Screen shot 2018 06 05 at 12.57.09 pm

number the stars

  • germans invade Denamark

    germans invade Denamark
    germans invade denmark and take control
  • Annemarie and Ellen run into two soldiers. Ch. 1

    Annemarie and Ellen run into two soldiers. Ch. 1
    Annemarie and Ellen are racing when two german soldiers tell them to stop running and "interrogate" them
  • Peter comes over to the house to talk to Annemarie's parents.

  • Germans start rounding up Danish Jews

    Germans start rounding up Danish Jews
  • The Germans go to the synagogue and gather all the Jewish people's names and address's

    The Germans go to the synagogue and gather all the Jewish people's names and address's
  • Ellen stays with Annemarie

    The parents learn about the Germans and decide it is safest to have Ellen stay with the Johansen's
  • German soldiers search the Johansen apartment

    They search the Apartment and ask why is Ellen's hair dark and Annemarie's and Kirstie's blonde. Papa uses an old baby picture of Lise to fool the German soldiers.
  • the Johansens take Ellen to Uncle Henrik's house.

    the Johansens take Ellen to Uncle Henrik's house.
    They take Ellen to Uncle Henrik's house so that she is safe from the nazis. They ride the train.
  • Great Aunt Berte dies

    Great Aunt Berte dies
    Uncle Henrik says that Great Aunt Birte died.
  • Great Aunt Birte was a lie

    Great Aunt Birte was a lie
    Great Aunt Birte is not real and is an excuse for having a lot of people over to the house.
  • Henrik teaches Bravery

    Henrik teaches Bravery
    Henrik teaches Annemarie what it means to be brave
  • Coffin is opened

    The coffin wich was used to hide blankets and other stuff is opened.
  • Annemarie learns the plan to take Ellen to Sweden

  • Mama brakes her leg

    Mama brakes her leg
    mama broke her leg running from the nazis in the woods
  • Ellen goes with her parents

  • Annemarie delivers a package

    Annemarie delivers a package
    Annemarie takes Uncle Henrik a package but she does not know what it is
  • Annemarie learns

    She learns that Ellen has been safely transported to sweden
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    The War Ends and Annemarie and her family celebrate in the streets.