The war begins
In Denmark, King Christian X, convinced his army could not fight off a German invasion, surrendered almost immediately. Hitler now added a second and third conquered nation to his quarry, which began with Poland. -
Period: to
Number the Stars
The Germans invaid
The German invasion of Denmark was the fighting that followed the German army crossing the Danish border on 9 April 1940 by land, sea and air. Lasting approximately six hours, the German ground campaign against Denmark was the briefest operation of the Second World War -
The germans want more
Germany invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
The German Wehrmacht establishes a prisoner of war camp in the former Waldlager to accommodate Kriegsgefangene Arbeitskommando 601 (600 captured French and Belgian soldiers). This camp was named Stammlager -
What kind of rules are these?!
The occupation of a country subjects both the people and the invaders to a strange game of mutual suspicion: The occupier acts like a new owner and wants the tenants to behave and pay the rent on time, but those invaded feel violated – they know the country, by right, belongs to them, and while they cannot physically throw the occupiers out, they may well want to resist the invader's terms. Perhaps, if the invader finds the game is not worth the effort, he will leave. Or perhaps he will start ki -
Why are you running?
Annemarie and Ellen were walking home from school when Annemarie wanted to hae a race to the corner. Ellen hesiatated but she said yes. They started to run ( of course Annemarie was faster because she came second in the foot race at her school.) Annemarie saw the corner but then was stopped by two german soilders. They asked her why she was running. After that horrible time for Ellen and Annemarie they rushed home (without running) hoping their moms won't find out. -
Where is Mrs. Hirsch?
When Kristi needs a new button for her jacket Annemarie and Kristi went to the botton store. The store was closed. So they went home and tells their mom. Their mom look worried and started to discuss this news with her husband. Apparently the Germans were talking all the Jews away. This was a problem because Ellen's family was Jewish. -
It will be a long night
When the Johansen's found out about the Germans taking away the Jews they immeaditly told the Rosens. Therefore Ellen's pareents were taken to be hidden. Ellen would stay at the Johansen's and pretent to be their daughter. Ellen was scared at the thought of never see her parents again. At least her family knew that she was safe. -
Is the weather good for fishing?
Mrs. Johansen, Ellen, Annemarie, and Kristi went on a train to go North to their Uncle Henrick's house. The house looked the same from Mrs. Johansen's perspective. -
The house by the sea
Uncle Henrick's house was right by the sea. Ellen said that she has never been so close because none of her parents like the ocean. For a while Ellen and Annemarie sat on a rock right by the water. They sat their for a long while. When her Uncle arived her mom and him caught up with their news, it was like the old times when they came to the farm for visits, except when Annemarie heard them talking they weren't laughting like they usually did when they came the last time. -
Why are you lying?
Uncle Henrick and Annemarie's mom has been lying to keep the secret safe. It is a lot eiser to be brave when you don't know everything, Uncle henrick said after explaining some what of what is happening. -
Smuggling Jews
At first, sailors got away with this couragouse action. Then the German soilders brought in dogs, to sniff out the hole ship. The dogs would always would smell out any hidden people on the boat. Therefore some people HAD to make a plan. They did! They made an incent on a hankerchief that would num the dogs nose. That way the dog wouldn't be able to sniff out any people. -
Let us open the casket
The German soilders came the same night Ellen's parents came. They wanted to open the casket. Then Annemarie's mum told them that she probably has the desies on her dead body. After that they left. Then Peter took half of the Jews to Uncle Henrick's ship and ma qould take the other half a little later. -
Where is ma?
When it became daylight with no return of ma Annemarie was worried. She looked out of the window hoping to see her mom. Instead she saw a weird creature on the ground she looked again and relized it was her mom. She raced out to help her mom into the house. While walking up the stairs she found a packet that Peter must have dropped that was extremely important. Therefore Annemarie volunteeried to take it to the ship. -
My dogs smell meat.
She was stopped by German soilders. Thery asked her what she was doing up this eirly in the morning in the forest. Then said that their dogs smell meat. Therefore the crule soilder started to tear apart the beautiful lunch she had put together. Then it came to the package. He asked what was in there she replied by saying I don't know and teared up. It was a hankerchief. Annemarie was woundering why this little piece of cloth was so very important. But she did know that she has to hurrie to make. -
Through the dark path
As she was running through the forest she was thinking of one of the stories that she would tell Kristi. By doing this it helps her take her mind off of what relly is happening. Then she got stopped by... -
Run, as fast as you can!
Annemarie didn't know what was in the packet but didn't want to know because it helps her be brave. Her mom told her if she happened to run into the German soilders she had to pretend to be an incoint little girl that is taking a basket of food to her Uncle. After her mom told her that she ran. -
I will tell you just a little
Henrik milks the cow while he and Annemarie talk. He says that it's not safe for her to know everything, but that since she showed such great courage, he'll let her in on a few of the details.Annemarie doesn't think she was courageous, but we know she was. After all, if she'd been caught, she could have been killed. Henrik explains that he knows a Danish fisherman, who happens to be one of many people who doesn't agree with the Nazis' ideas. This guy has found a way to use his sea craft to help. -
Flooding news
In 1944, a watershed year for the resistance, more than 11 million copies of underground newspapers are published. That June, following a declared state of emergency, the entire city of Copenhagen goes on strike. Infuriated, Germany floods the city with troops, cuts off water and electricity, and establishes a blockade. By July 2, 23 Danes have been killed and more than 203 are wounded. But the dauntless Danes persevere. Exasperated, the Germans abandon these punitive measures by July. -
It's ended!
The German occupation has finally ended. The Germans left and everybody rejoiced. -
Everyone was happy and rejoying. The war has ended. The sad thing is that on that day they had to rember the days that Lise and Peter died, to serve Denmark. Without them many Jews would have been dead or put into slavery. -
Afterword II
Annemarie's parents told her how Lise and Peter really died and the reason for their courageous actions. This was a sad and happy moment. The war was over, but she lost two of her most loved family members.