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Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of Abominations.

    this tariff was hated deeply by the agricultural South, as it hurt them but boosted the wealthier North. SC in particular adamantly opposed it.
  • SC exposition and protest

    in response to the Tariff of Abominations SC claimed they had the rights to nullify oppressive federal legislator. It was even hoped that President Jackson would be on board with them because he was a westerner how historically had been against most tariffs.
  • SC Nullification

    Despite the tariff of abomination being revised, SC was still not happy and declared declared both the tariffs of 1828 and1832 null and void Within the state.
  • Proclamation to the people

    In response to SC's Nullification declaration, Jackson declared that if they did not reinstate their alliance to the union and accept the tariffs then the army would march into the state. Jackson even sent seven small naval vessels and a man of war in November 1832.
  • repeal of nullification

    after the the pressure from the government, SC revoked their declaration of nullification