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Nullification Crisis

By taionah
  • Tariff of Abodminations

    Tariff of Abodminations
    The Tariff of abominations better known as the Tariff of 1828 was a tax law passed to support the growth of domestic industries. This tariff placed tax on imported goods. States in the South hated this tariff because the manufacturing business was being held up by their money when they were more so on the side of agriculture.This tax made the South resent the North, which would eventually lead to the Civil War.
  • South Carolina Exposition

    South Carolina Exposition
    The South Carolina Exposition was a protest of the Tariff of abominations. This Exposition states and explains why the Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional. It also introduced the ideea that states had the right to reject federal law. The Exposition also expressed how states give the power to the federal government, so the states should have more power.
  • Tariff of 1832

    The Tariff of 1832 was referred to as a protectionist tariff. This tariff was supposed to be a remedy or fix for the conflict that was caused by the Tariff of 1828. This tax had lower rates, but even with the rates being lowered some Southern states and citizens still had problems paying the high tax. This tax still left the South unsatisfied.
  • Jacksons Proclomation Against Nullification

    Jacksons Proclomation Against Nullification
    Jackson wrote a response pertaining to South Carolinas claims about states being able to leave the union and disregard federal laws. Jackson says that the law still withstands in states whether they think the laws are just or not and just breaking away from the union is not constitutiinal because they are bound by a contract.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    The Ordinance of Nullification declared that the Tariffs put in place were null and void in South Carolina. This almost led to a Civil War.
  • Clays Tariff Bill

    Clays Tariff Bill
    Better known as The Compromise Bill, Clays Tariff lowered the tariffs over the decade. This bill ended the nullification crisis.