Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of Abominations

    This was a tariff that enforced high taxes on imports and was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1828. It was to protect Northern industries making goods more expensive but it made the Southerners mad because most of the Southern states relied on importing goods.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest (1828)

    The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was a document by John C. Calhoun stating that a state had a right to nullify federal laws if unconstitutional.
  • Webster-Hayne debate

    Webster-Hayne debate was a debate between two U.S. senators Daniel Webster from Massachusetts and Robert Hayne from South Carolina. It argues whether states or the national government should have more power. Hayne believed that states had the right to ignore national laws that weren't agreed with. Webster believed that the government should have more power and that the nation is now and not a group[ of states.