Tariff of Abominations
The purpose of this tariff was to protect the economy of the Northeast from competition in Europe. This gave the Northeastern states an easier time, but it made it more complicated for the Southern states because they were suffering for the benefit of the Northern states. There were higher prices and the Southern states depended on Northern states for products and other goods, but they are having a hard time. -
Senator Webster's Reply (January 26-- January 27)
Senator Webster is saying how it is constitutional for the state to interfere because it is an unalienable right for people to resist oppression and it is affecting the economy of the South. -
Senator Hayne's Speech
Senator Hayne is saying that it is not unconstitutional for this tariff to exist because the federal government has the last word in everything and it is the states' duty to submit to what the federal government is saying. -
South Carolina Disagrees
South Carolina agrees to stand up for what they believe in and oppose the Tariff of Abomination because they are suffering for the benefit of the North with high prices for manufactured goods. South Carolina declared this tariff unconstitutional because of how it affects the other, non-developed economically-wise states. -
Jackson's Response
Jackson disagreed with South Carolina, even after they had threatened to secede from the nation. Jackson even said if South Carolina decides to use force, so will he. Jackson doesn't see why it is such a big deal and it shouldn't be because he doesn't think it was unconstitutional for that tariff to exist. -
Compromise Tariff Act of 1833
This act gradually lowered the protective tariff rates for a span of 10 years and it was basically a compromise between the northern and southern economies, since the southern one hasn't been developed.