Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    This tariff was put in place to help the industry North. It taxed the imported goods in an attempt to protect the industry in this part of the country because the imported goods were cheaper that the local goods. This was also called the Tariff of Abonimations by the South who opposed it. The southerners opposed this because it made goods more expensive for them. They saw it as hurting the South to help the North.
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    The Hayne-Webster Debates

    These debates were in Congress between Robert Hayne and Daniel Webster. They debated issues that were dividing the nation such as slavery, public land, and expansion. It also involved the tariffs and their legality. Webster viewed the debate and concusion as bringing the states together as a an unbreakable Union. Hayne viewed the debate and its conclusion differently and say it as seperate states that had banned togther for their best interest.
  • Tariff of 1832

    This tariff lowered the tax on imported goods to try and appease the South while still helping the North's industry. This was still met with southern opposition with South Carolina particularly upset.
  • Oridinance of Nullification

    This was passed by South Carolina's legislature and opposed the tariffs of 1828 and 1832. It said that Congress had no power to make them and they needed to be nullified. It also said that they would succeed from the Union if met by force.
  • Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

    This Proclamation was given President Jackson and addressed the Oridinance of Nullification. Despite the expectation for him to support it, he adressed the people of South Carolina and told them that if they followed the Oridinance they would not be safe. He also says that they should go against their state governments who want to commit treason. This speech was also given to show that he would do his job as President and support the laws to his best ability.
  • Force Bill

    The Force Bill was enacted after South Carolina's oppostition to the "Tariffs of Abomination." This basically said that the President had the right to force states into paying tariffs using the military.
  • Tariff of 1833

    This tariff was meant to be a compromise. It stated that the tariff would gradually get lower and lower over the next decade. It would stop at about 1842 when it was supposed to reach the percentage set by the tariff of 1816.