Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1824

    Tariff of 1824
    The Tariff of 1824 was put into place in order to generate revenue and to protect the economy. This agitated the South because they relied on Britain to import their cotton.
  • Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of 1828
    A tariff imposed with extremely high rates with the goal of protecting American industry. The South reacted with a South Carolina's "exposition" and protests.
  • South Carolina Exposition

    South Carolina Exposition
    South Carolina's protest against the Tariff of 1828. As a response, they wanted the states to nullify the tariff. A funny reaction of Jefferson was that he said he would hang everyone in South Carolina.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    An attempt to reduce the conflicts caused by the Tariff of 1828, but it din't satisfy South Carolina still.
  • South Carolina Nullification

    South Carolina Nullification
    South Carolina didn't like the Tariff of 1828, but the South didn't like tariffs in general because it causes retaliation tariffs from Britain. This caused Britain to stop importing as much cotton.
  • Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification

    Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification
    Andrew Jackson issued a wild statement saying that he was going to hang everyone in South Carolina in order to insure they pay the duty.
  • Haynes' Counter Proclamation

    Haynes' Counter Proclamation
    Governor Haynes claimed that it is unconstitutional and void if a state is oppressed by the law. South Carolina threatened to succeed, but we'll actually see this when the civil war starts too.,
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    The Force Bill enabled Andrew Jackson to use the Army and Navy, in order to collect federal tariff duties. This caused Southerners to feel as if they were under British control again
  • Clay's Compromise

    Clay's Compromise
    Gradually reduced the rates of the Tariff of 1833 in order to satisfy the South, but it didn't work.
  • South Carolina Repeals Nullification Ordinance

    South Carolina Repeals Nullification Ordinance
    This led two the Nullification crisis being over.