Tariff if 1824
The tariff was passed by congress, an idea of Henry Clay, in order to protect and encourage American manufacturing, while gaining support of the Northeast manufacturing states. The tariff supplying the Federal Government with money to make internal improvements Clay thought were needed. The tariff raised prices on glass, lead, iron and wool, things that the colonists were very dependent on, by 30 percent. This was a benefit for the Republicans of the north and put money in their businesses. -
Tariff of 1828
Also know as the tariff of Abomination the tariff of 1828 sought out to protect the North and West from competition with European imports. To do this Congress raised the price of foreign goods , mostly British, in turn supporting the American system and profit for Northern and Eastern Business owners. Or in other words the industrial business was booming because more people were buying American goods. This angered the south, forcing them to buy from the North for worse quality goods. -
South Carolina Exposition
Created by John C. Calhoun as the voice of the Southern states to retaliated against the tariffs that were set.As John was the vice president at the time he had to remain anonymous. The Southern people argued that it was unconstitutional and against public virtue for the North to create the tariffs. The Southern states argued that their livelihoods were being harmed by increased taxes on British imports made it difficult for Britain to pay for the cotton they imported from the South. -
Haynes Counter Proclimantion
Governor Haynes claimed that a state, if oppressed by a law, can deem it unconstitutional and void. After Jackson started to round up troops to send to South Carolina, Haynes countered this by continuing to void the tariffs and laws. This put South Carolina in a place to go to war with the US. -
South Carolina Nullificaiton
South Carolina Nullified or voided both the 1828 and 1832 tariffs within the states boarders and threatened to secede from the union if nothing was done. -
Tariff of 1832
The tariff was a lessened price in imports from 45% to 35% and was still used for protection. It still angered the southerners because they realized that tariffs were there to stay and the North. The southern states under the rule of Calhoun and threaded to succeed from the union because their exact needs were not being met. -
Clay Compromise
Although Clay was a fan of the tariffs he knew that if they were not lessened there would be a civil war on Americas hands. Because of his Clay decided to throw his influence behind a compromise bill that would gradually reduce the tariff of 1832 by about 10 percent over a period of 8 years. By 1842 the rates would be back to the same mildly protective tariff of 1816. -
Jacksons proclimation against nullifications
President Andrew Jackson had the authority to use troops to go into South Carolina to enforce the Federal Law because of the Forced bill. He was to enforce that going against the federal government was against the law. He tried to help the south by lowering the tariff but since that was not enough he had to use force. -
Force Bill
The Forced Bill was passed by Andrew Jackson after the nullification of the tariffs in the south. The Force Bill authorized Jackson to use military force against any state that were against the protective tariff laws. The Force Bill also rejected the Nullification Doctrine which was the concept that the states could no longer secede the union or to nullify federal law. This finally caused the agreement of the South and they had no other choice but to suspend the nullification. -
South Carolina Repeal of Nullificaion
The South knew they were loosing the battle between the North and their tariffs. To not make matters better the South repealed the Nullification because they did not want a war on their hands, and President Andrew Jackson was sending troops to admit force to the Southern states.