Nuclear bomb

Nuclear War

  • Trinity

    The Manhattan Project sucessfully test first nuclear device called "Trinity".
  • Hiroshima

    An American bomber drops a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Japan killing more than 140,000 people.
  • Nagasaki

    A second nuclear bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan killing more than 80,000 people.
  • Semipalatinsk

    Two years after the first Soviet test, an improved version of the atomic bomb was detonated at Semipalatinsk
  • Hurricane

    Brittain successfully tests her first nuclear weapon nicknamed "Hurricane".
  • Mike

    United States detonated the first hydrogen device, code named "Mike," near the island of Elugelab in the Eniwetok Atoll
  • Soviet Hydrogen Test

    Soviet Hydrogen Test
    The Sovier Union successfully tests their first hydrogen bomb.
  • Nuclear Moratorium

    Nuclear Moratorium
    United States and Soviet Union agreed on a temporary moratorium on nuclear testing
  • France becomes a Nuclear Power

    France becomes a Nuclear Power
    France conducted its first nuclear test, code-named “Gerboise Bleue” (Blue Desert Rat). France declared itself the fourth nuclear power
  • Sovets break Moratorum

    Soviet Union broke the moratorium and detonated 30 bombs within a short period, including one bomb of 58 megatons (that is, 58 000 kilotons, compared to the Hiroshima bomb of 20 kilotons
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Criss begins
  • Cuban Missile ends

    Cuban Missile ends
  • China becomes a Nuclear State

    People’s Republic of China detonated its first atomic bomb
  • SALT I

    first treaties were signed between the U.S and the soviet Union to limit their strategic nuclear arsenals: SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)

    During a summit meeting in Vienna, President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT-II agreement dealing with limitations and guidelines for nuclear weapons
  • Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

    The first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and Soviet Union limits the number of heavy bombers, inter-continental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and also limits launchers and warheads
  • The second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

    The second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and Russia limits their strategic arsenals to between 3000 and 3500 warheads on delivery systems (tactical weapons and spares are not included in the counts)
  • India and Pakistan become Nuclear States

    India and Pakistan joined the nuclear club by developing and testing their own nuclear weapons
  • SORT

    Moscow Treaty, SORT limits the nuclear arsenal of both the United States and Russia to between 1700 and 2200 warheads each. It does not specify which warheads are to be reduced or how reductions should be made, nor does it include any verification provisions. It is set to expire on December 31, 2012
  • North Korea becomes Nuclear State

    North Korea conducted first nuclear test
  • North Korea atomic test

    North Korea tested a bomb as powerful as the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima