By crgreen
  • Founding of Concerned Christians

    Monte Kim Miller founds Concerned Christians in Denver, Colorado as a group to be a counter-cult and preach against New Age beliefs (Every report says mid 1980s, some say 82 or 85)
  • Miller claims to regularly speak with God in the morning

    in the weird way too - shows his increasing deviation from orthodox Christian values
  • first clear sign that Concerned Christians was becoming separationist

    Miller attacked the Coalition on Revival, a Christian political movement including evangelicals - also criticized Southern Baptists, the Assemblies of God, seventeen other denominations, and thirty Christian organizations for rejecting God's plan
  • Miller Began Production of 'Our Foundation'

    his radio station
  • Miller demands money from followers

    "On one occasion he demanded $20,000 and the profits from a family’s business; refusal would result n not only the family, but also the attendees of their Bible study, going to hell."
  • Miller becomes increasingly apocalyptic

    prophesied that the Apocalypse would begin after
    Denver was to be destroyed by an earthquake on October 10, 1998 and that Miller will be killed in Jerusalem in December
  • members abandon their homes

    72 members of Concerned Christians abandoned their homes - some say they fled to either Jerusalem or Mexico to escape the destruction of Denver
  • Israeli authorities captured 14 members of the group

    They alleged that the group was planning to commit a violent action in an attempt to instigate Christ’s Second Coming.
  • Members deported from Israel

    they were then staying in a hotel in Denver
  • group fades from public attention

    After failed prophecies and the deportations, Miller and his followers go into hiding and little is known about their activies - Miller has not been seen publically for years, and there are no known active members of the group