
Nothing But The Truth Timeline

  • Memo For Morning Announcements Is Out

    Memo For Morning Announcements Is Out
    School announcements format is now in place for the students and teachers.
  • Period: to

    Nothing But the Truth

  • Switched Homerooms

    Switched Homerooms
    Phillip Malloy was switched into Miss Narwins Homeroom class and english class.
  • Miss Narwin Asks For a Grant For a Class

    Miss Narwin Asks For a Grant For a Class
    Miss Narwin asks the school to get into a workshop to improve her teaching skills.
  • Philip Gets a D in Miss Narwins Class

    Philip Gets a D in Miss Narwins Class
    Philip gets a bad grade in Miss Narwins class and is unable to get into the track team
  • Phillip Talks to Coach

    Phillip Talks to Coach
    Phillip talks to the Coach about joining the track team but is unable to because of a D grade in Miss Narwins class
  • Phillip Hums in Miss Narwins Class

    Phillip Hums in Miss Narwins Class
    Phillip Hums the Star Spangled banner on 28, 29, 30 of March.
  • Philip Gets Kicked Out Of Miss Narwins Class and Goes to Palleni

    Philip Gets Kicked Out Of Miss Narwins Class and Goes to Palleni
    Philip goes to Palleni to talk to him about his punishment.
  • Phillip Gets Suspended

    Phillip Gets Suspended
    Phillip gets kicked out of class and gets a two day suspension from Dr.Palleni.
  • Philip And His Father Talk To Ted Griffen

    Philip And His Father Talk To Ted Griffen
    Phillip and his dad talk to Ted Griffen and get Phillip an interview with a reporter
  • Phillip Gets Interviewed By Reporter

    Phillip Gets Interviewed By Reporter
    Phillip gets interveiwed by a reporter of Ted Griffin's
  • The Reporter Finished and Released The Report

    The Reporter Finished and Released The Report
    The report is finished and was sent by telegram across the nation. The telegram got to a talk show host named Jake Barllow. He reads this and talks about it on his show.
  • The School Starts to worry

    The School Starts to worry
    The school starts to relize what happened and how to fix it.
  • Phillip Gets Switched Out of Miss Narwins

    Phillip Gets Switched Out of Miss Narwins
    Philip is now in Mr Lunsers homeroom class instead of Miss Narwins
  • Jake Barllows Fans Start to Send Mean Letters to The School

    Jake Barllows Fans Start to Send Mean Letters to The School
    The school recived the letters that were addressed to Miss Narwin and Holds them.
  • Phillip Asks If he Could Get More Work

    Phillip Asks If he Could Get More Work
    He is unable to get his grade up because she is not his teacher anymore.
  • School and Ted Griffan talk about Miss Narwin

    School and Ted Griffan talk about Miss Narwin
    They talk about what happened with Philip
  • Mr.Duval Gives Miss Narwin Hope in Getting her Side of the Story To The Public

    Mr.Duval Gives Miss Narwin Hope in Getting her Side of the Story To The Public
    Mr.Duval tell Miss Narwin that he can get her side of the story on paper.
  • He Changes Schools

    He Changes Schools
    Phillip goes to a new school and on the first day he is asked to sing the star spangeled banner but doesnt know the words.