Austin Cameron Us History Hour 1

  • Steam engine got patened

  • Spinning jenny was invented

  • Period: to

    Washington's presidency

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Judiciary act of 1789

  • Samuel Slater smuggles plans to America

  • The Bank of the United States

  • The Bank of the United States

  • The cotton gin was invented

  • The XYZ affair

  • Period: to

    Presidency of John Adams

  • The alien and Sedition Acts

  • District of Columbia Completed

  • Period: to

    Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

  • The Louisiana purchase

  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Period: to

    presidency of james maddison

  • Mar bury v Madison Decision

  • burning of the white house

  • Period: to

    war of 1812

  • burning of york

  • The Burning of the White House

  • Period: to

    James Monroe presidency

  • Missouri compromise

  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams presidency

  • the Erie canal was complete

  • American Temperance Movement Founded

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson Presidency

  • Public Education Extends throughout the united states

  • Mormon Church founded

  • Nat Turners Rebellion

  • New England Antislavery Society Founded

  • Nullification crisis

  • Period: to

    Panic of 1837

  • The Trail of tears

  • Burning of york

  • Seneca Falls Convention