
  • 1960 BCE

    Chad 1960 - Ty

    Chad is the 23rd biggest by population in Africa. As of 2022 Chad only had 16 million people living there. To put that in perspective about 40 million people were living in California in 2021. They have these numbers while still being just over three times the size of California. Also, 52.1 % of the population is Islam.
  • 1960 BCE

    Chad 1960 - Ty

    One of the things Chad is known for is their Lake Chad. It is one of the biggest lakes that is in Africa. It helps a lot of people and animals with water to drink. Chad also has some good wildlife like elephants, lions, and giraffes. They have places you can go in Chad to go see these animals too.
  • 1915 BCE

    Sierra Leone 1914 Imperialism Part 2 - Solé

    A few facts about Sierra Leone are that the people were stated as Christians and descendants of ex-slaves.  They also had Muslims, but the sad part is they were denounced by the Ottoman Empire, which also had an Imperial Unit that was Established. When they were Established, they only recruited people from Sierra Leone. It wasn’t that eligible to be a distinguished conduct Meal.
  • 1914 BCE

    Sierra Leone 1914 Imperialism- Solé

    Sierra Leone was one of the well-known countries that got comprised, with others in 1914. It was founded as a private colony, which was soon reconstructed as a crown colony later on. When the British and the Europeans came to Sierra Leone and other countries, they oriented the colony which led to its Creoles. Then a whole Cultural divide happened, one was over the interlopers, and the other was between its Protectorate and the Colony of Sierra Leone.
  • 1867 BCE

    The Transatlantic Slave trade breakout 1800 - Mj

    The TST was a period where West African slave traders kidnapped Africans, put them on ships, and sent them to the newly founded world. The unsanitary and cruel conditions of the ships that the slaves were put on, led to the spread of infection. Person after person caught measles and smallpox. Once on land, the infections spread more quickly. A new world means new infections, but also new supplies to try and find a cure for the sickness. This was another main cause of death during the TST.
  • 1500 BCE

    Gold Coast (modern day Ghana) early 1500s - MJ

    Ghana was once a British colony in West Africa. This country has an interesting history. Traders from Europe, especially the Portuguese, built forts along the coast for trading. The most famous one is the Fort of Elmina. These forts were important for trade, and between 1500 and 1578, the Portuguese had a fortress in modern-day Accra. Some of the things they traded were common things like food, wool, and supplies for farming, but they also traded slaves.
  • 1255 BCE

    Mali 1255 - Rhett

    The king died in 1255 which changed the empire. He was one of the richest people in the world and that is also why the kingdom was so wealthy. The first reason is they had lost their great King. His son Uli took his position as king after his death. Although his son was also a great king he didn’t have as good of ideas and money as Sundiata Keita. They also changed the name of the king to Mansa. Mansa means a hereditary ruler in the Mandinka language.
  • 1255 BCE

    Mali 1255- Rhett

    The kingdom fell for multiple reasons. The main reason the kingdom fell was because of the stop in the trade network. It also fell because of the consistent attacks and the loss of people. They lost a lot of workers and the kingdom lost a lot of money. There were also a lot of riots going on inside the city. Many traditions from the Mali culture are still used today in Mali. One of the main traditions is the birth of Muhammad the prophet. These are all the reasons why the Mali empire collapsed
  • 1230 BCE

    Mali 1230- Rhett

    In the mid 1230’s the Mali empire was founded. The founder of the Mali empire was Sundiata Keita. He was the king for 30 years in Mali and he was probably their best king too. He was the first king to make human rights a thing. This basically got rid of communism because most kingdoms wouldn’t have rights for people. This was a really rich kingdom and they had tons of people to work for them. They had so much power and it was one of the biggest empires in Africa.
  • 181 BCE

    Chad 1960 - Ty

    The country of Chad is a country in the northwest region of Africa. This country gained its independence from France and became Chad on August 11th, 1960. They don’t have the greatest economy with theirs coming in 143rd biggest economy and 39th in Africa. Not the best numbers.