Northern Rebellion Project

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    Cheif Big Bear Part 1: Eric Rao 810

    Years before the European settlers arrived in Canada, Big Bear had a dream where water sprouted from the ground, and he tried to block the water, which turned to blood and the flow was unstoppable. Even before the war had officially started, Chief Big Bear managed to encase peace within his villa for a while, and even stopped gunfire by walking straight into the line of fire as a spiritual barrier to allow his fellow believers escape to safety.
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    Chief Big Bear Part 2: Eric Rao

    However, the cost of this action, Big Bear was charged of waging war against the crown and was sent to prison for three years but was released after two due to failing health conditions. Big Bear had changed the course of this war since if he was replaced by anyone else, they would’ve waged war against the crown and started getting other killed, started killing and being killed.
  • Who Was Louis Riel? By Hamza Abdullah 810

    Louis David Riel was a Canadian Politician and born October 22nd 1844. Louis Riel led two rebellions against the government of Canada and its first post confederation prime minister, sir John a MacDonald. The Metis mounted a rebellion and declared a provisional government to negotiate terms for entering Confederation. Louis Riel was sentenced to hang on September 16 1885. The jury found him Guilty for the Murder of Thomas Scott, but his execution got postponed 3 times before November 16, 1885.
  • Battle Of Duck Lake: Hamza Abdullah

    The battle of duck lake started on March 26, 1885. The battle occurred on Duck Lake. The NWR (Northwest Rebellion) begin the settlement of Duck Lake on the old Carton Trail. The battle of Duck Lake happened itself by accident. The NWMP superintendent Leif Crozier was told that the Metis were going to engage and occupied Duck Lake.
    The battle of duck was a war against the NWMP (NorthWestern Mounted Police) with the government of Canada.
    The skirmish lasted approximately for 30 minutes.
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    The Northern Rebellion Timeline (NWR): Hamza, Haris, Eric

  • The Battle of Frog Lake: Haris 810

    The Battle of Frog Lake: Haris 810
    the battle of frog lake started on April 2nd 1885 by a chief named Wandering spirit. The first nations were angered by the lack of fulfilment to the treaty the Canadian government had signed. they had killed most of the bison in the area which was the first nations main source of food. So big bears band attacked a settlement in Frog lake in search of food. Big bear did not want this but still faced jail. Result: the Cree won the battle however 8 were executed and big bear was now in jail
  • The Battle of Fish Creek Haris 810

    The Battle of fish creek was fought on April 24 1885, it was a major victory for the Metis over the Canadian forces in order to quell Riels north west rebellion. Major general Fredrick Middleton had led an army of 900 men to south Saskatchewan river in hopes to crush the rebellion at its source. Gabriel Dumont who led 150 Metis plan, was to hide in the bushes and attack Fredrick's men. Results: the Metis won and the government advance was temporarily stopped
  • The Battle of Cut Knife Hill: Eric Rao 810

    On May 2, 1885, 300 English men lead my Lieutenant Colonel attacked Poundmaker but were defeated after the sudden immense list of the casualties, thanks to the Cree and Assiniboine snipers. The only valid reason that William Otter attacked Poundmaker was because the Canadians spent months in dismay of an attack and lost their patience and launched a attack only to lose most of a army unit.
  • The Battle of Batoche: Haris 810

    The Battle of Batoche: Haris 810
    The Battle of Batoche was the battle of the northwest rebellion , which made the Canadian authorities go up against a force of indigenous and Metis people. the defeat of the Metis led to the surrender of Louis Riel on May 15 , and the collapse of the provisional government of Saskatchewan. Result: Canadian victory collapse of the provisional government of Saskatchewan