North Korea

By Zylan B
  • Period: to

    North Korea

  • Korea Divides

    Korea Divides
    In the aftermath of the Second World War and Japanese occupation, Korea divides into North and South.
  • North Koreas Invades the South

    North Koreas Invades the South
    North Korea, with the help of Soviet Union tanks, invade the South on 25 June 1950. The US and the recently formed United Nations support the South while China aid the North. An estimated 3 million soldiers and civilians died.
  • Kim Il-Sung takes Power

    Kim Il-Sung takes Power
    The first president of North Korea
  • The Norht is branded a terrorist

    The Norht is branded a terrorist
    North Korea blows up a South Korean civilian airliner, killing 115 people. The US decides to include the North on its list of countries that support terrorism.
  • North Korean soldiers Found dead inside submarine

    South Korea captures North Korean submarine in its waters. Crew found dead inside.
  • North Korea joins the United Nations

    North Korea joins the United Nations
    North and South Korea become members of the UN.
  • A new leader

    A new leader
    Death of Kim Il-sung. Kim Jong-il succeeds his father as leader
  • Skirmishes result in death

    Skirmishes result in death
    A North Korean submarine with 26 commandos and crew on board runs aground near the South Korean town of Gangneung. All but one on board is killed along with 17 South Koreans following several skirmishes.
  • the death of a dictator

    the death of a dictator
    Kim Jong-Il, the second dictator of North Korea, passes awaym
  • Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi makes historic visit

    Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi makes historic visit
    Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi makes historic visit during which North Korea admits to having abducted 13 Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s and that at least four are still alive.
  • The nuke threat

    The nuke threat
    North Korea withdraws from the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and announces it has restarted its uranium enrichment programme.
  • American journalist Freed

    American journalist Freed
    North Korea frees American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee after former US President Bill Clinton facilitates their release. The pair was sentenced to 12 years hard labour for allegedly crossing the border illegally.
  • Kim Jong-Un

    Kim Jong-Un
    Kim Jong-Un takes power as North Korea's third dictator.
  • The Sugar Planes

    The Sugar Planes
    Panama impounds a North Korean ship carrying missile systems, two MiG-21 jet fighters, military vehicles, and 12 spare engines under 20 million 10 pound bags of brown sugar. The UN later blacklists the ship's operator.
  • Kim Jong-Un's uncle executed

    Kim Jong-Un's uncle executed
    Kim Jong-un's uncle, Chang Song-thaek, is found guilty of attempting to overthrow the state and is summarily executed - in a purge seen as the biggest shake-up since the death of Kim Jong-il in 2011.
  • Largest nuclear test

    Largest nuclear test
    North Korea carries out its fifth and reportedly biggest nuclear test, saying it has mastered the ability to mount a warhead on a ballistic missile.