Stock vector map of north and south korea with flag in vector art 22428733

North and South Koreas timeline

  • Japan Annexes Korea

    Japan Annexes Korea
    Japan formally annexes Korea as a colony.
  • Cold War Began

    Cold War Began
    The Cold War was clearly seen in the Korean Peninsula. After WWII, the Soviet Union was in control of the northern half (communist) and U.S. was in control of the southern half (capitalist). The nation was divided along the 38th parallel.
  • Russians Arrive In Korea

    Russians Arrive In Korea
    In the last days of WWII, Russians arrive in North Korea.
  • 38th Parallel

    38th Parallel
    Soviet forces complete their occupation of North Korea, halting their southward advance through the country exactly at the 38th Parallel, as agreed at the Potsdam Conference.
  • Domino Theory and Truman Doctrine

    Domino Theory and Truman Doctrine
    The U.S. insisted on supporting a free South Korea and believed if any additional countries in Southeast Asia went to a communist form of governent, others would quickly follow. President Harry S. Truman pledges American assistance to any nation in the world threatened by Communism.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    North Korean troops crossed over the38th parallel and invaded South Korea.
  • North Korea Invades

    North Korea Invades
    Communist North Korean troops launch their invasion against the South past the 38th parallel.
  • President Truman helps South Korea

    President Truman helps South Korea
    President Harry Truman, without a formal declaration of war from Congress, ordered U.S. troops to help South Korea in this U.N. "police action".
  • North Korea Advances

    North Korea Advances
    North Korea advances capturing Seoul, Osan, and Daejeon.
  • General Douglas MacArthur Fights Back

    General Douglas MacArthur Fights Back
    General Douglas MacArthur arrives and is able to drive the Communists north of the 38th parallel into Pusan.
  • China Enters The War

    China Enters The War
    Chinese leader, Mao Zedong, is angered by the progress of the U.N. and forces Americans back to 38th parallel.
  • Stalemate

    Both sides are attacking, but neither have had any success in pentrating the country.
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    When Chinese troops crossed the border to help North Korea, a stalemate soon developed. Both sides ceased- fire in 1953 leaving the land divided nearly at the same point as it had been before the war
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
    The armistice signed on July 27,1953 kept the 38th parallel as the boundary between North and South Korea.
  • North Korea Present

    North Korea Present
    Today North Korea remains a communist country under the rule of Premiere, Kim Jong-Un, the youngest son of Kim Jong-Il. The country remains the ally of the People's Republic of China and other communist countries. Although North Korea has heavy industry and a well-armed military, there are various problems, including poor farm production and famine.
  • South Korea Present

    South Korea Present
    On the other hand, South Korea, a democratic country, has been more prosperous because of trade and foreign aid from the U.S. and other wealthy western countries.