North and South Korea

  • japaness occupation of korea

    after world war 2 the japaness occupation stopped.
  • North koreas communist party

    North koreas working party had trained up kim il sung
  • Korea withdraws

    korea had finally withdraw from the war
  • south korea invasion

    South Korea had invaded North Korea
  • koreas war ends

    Armistise ends Korean wars, but over 2 million people lose their lives.
  • to many people

    A huge amount of people start to build up
  • U.S seized Koreas gunboats

    The U.S Seized Korea for gunboats
  • The U.S plane was shot down

    The U.S reconnaissance plane was shot down.
  • South-Nouth talks

    North and South korea talk secret about seek dialouge
  • Kim il sung and Kim jong il

    Kim il jong moves closer up the ladder to be the new leader
  • North and South join the U.S

    The South and North korea Join the U.S nation
  • North korea allows the IAEA to inspect

    A fight with North korea and IAEA about having nuclear weapons
  • Kim Il sung Dies

    Kim il sung Dies and Kim Jong il becomes the leader finally