North Africa 1750-1900

By JoeMo
  • Period: to

    North Africa

    Ap timeline
  • Cotton

    The Egyptian cotton industry booms as the Europeans are not able to produce enough of it. They make so much profit off of cotton, the workers pay is more than quadrupled. The government does control the industry so there is no export tax.
  • New Technology

    New Technology
    With the invention of anesthesics and maternity beds, the survival rate of birth went up for both the mother and the child. This was still fairly expensive so only the upper classes could afford it. It wasn't introduced to the masses of North Africa until much later.
  • African Association is formed

    African Association is formed
    The African Association is formed by wealthy english men, to promote exploration of North Africa. their goals were to find the city of Timbuktu navigate the Nile river.
  • Commiunication

    Around 1800, Europe and other world powers start to communicate with Africa more. They organize expiditions and other types of trade, in am easier way. This does also hurt Africa because it also increased slave trade slightly.
  • Muhammad Ali ttakes power in Egypt

    Muhammad Ali ttakes power in Egypt
    Muhammad Ali took power in 1805, to try and modernize Egypt, his 3 main goals were to create a modern army, fix their society, and boost the economy. He tried to do all of them but was only ever partially successful.
  • Muhammad Ali takes everyones land

    Muhammad Ali takes everyones land
    Muhammad decides that it would be better for the government to control all of the land in their territory, so they give landowners inadequate pensions or payments for their land. Through this they boost the economy by creating factories and farms on the land.
  • Europe finishes mapping Northern Africa

    Europe finishes mapping Northern Africa
    Over the years the nations in Europe had been exploring North Africa. They send many different explorers to map and take notes about the regions. Some of the famous ones are David Livingstone and H.M. Stanley. Changes were made to the maps because of what they found and noted. Once Africa is mapped it would be easier to define borders between nations.
  • School

    Egypt opens the University of Arts and Design which teaches people to make more "modern" and widely accepted art.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The berlin conference was held to regulate how the European nations went about taking land in Africa. It also set guidelines for trade. The result of the conference was that Africa was put up for grabs by " effective occupation", this means that whichever nation had the power and troops to control it, could have it.
  • Slavery

    In 1888, the Atlantic slave trade was finally abolished becuase of the end of slavery in Brazil. This marked an end to slave trade and to most slavery in Africa. Slavery was banned in the first quarter of the 20th century for Africa.