
By Gard
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    Barcelona, Spain

    There is a terrorist attack in central Barcelona. The bomb was placed inside a child. It was detonated with a remote by a terrorist that was at a safe distance to observe and test the bomb.
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    Dunkirk, France

    Ambush on a small and secret antiterrorist group from MI16 following a lead on an organisation tied to the terrorists behind the attack in Barcelona, the Combine. Marc Dane, a surveilance expert, was the only survivor. He learns from Samantha, a woman in the task force, that there is someone working for the Combine inside MI6 before she dies in his arms.
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    Tarus Mountains, Turkey

    We meet Halil, on of many orphanage children that are being held captive, training for terrorist attacks.
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    London, MI16

    Marc Dane is back, well knowing that there is a traitor inside the British security services. As the only survivor he is interrigated.
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    A friend made it possible for Marc to escape, when he was being transported to a safe house for further interrigations. By doing so he becomes a suspect and is wanted by the British government.
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    Lucy, an assasin working for Rubicon Group, gets the mission to find Marc and what he knows before MI16 finds him.
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    Marc finds out, through Samantha's pc, that he must get in touch with another man who is on the run from the terrorists' network. This man will be in Sicily within a couple of days.
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    To get to Sicily, Marc needs a fake passport. He gets help from his brother in law, MI16 i waiting for him, so is Lucy. In a cry of distress he gets his passport, unknowingly it was Lucy who helped him escape from MI16.
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    Sicily, Italy

    Marc finds Novakovich's yacht and goes out to it in a quiet sea jet during the night, however someone is already there and they want to cut loose ends. He finds Novakovich alive and together they get his hard drive, before one of the assassins finds them and kills Novakovich. Marc manages to kill the assassin that killed Nocakovich and makes a narrow escape from the others.
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    Mersin, Turkey

    Halil and the other youths arrives to the port of Mersin. The leader, Khadir, talks with an Englishman representing the Combine. The youths are brought aboard the ship Santa Cruz. The conversation shows that Khadir and his group are responsible for the attack in Barcelona, and that they are working with the Combine.
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    Mount Etna, Italy

    The assassins from the Jade contacts Marc and threatens to kill his sister and her family if he does not give them the hard drive. Marc is forced to meet the mercenaries. He gives the hard drive to the mercenaries. Once again the mercenaries tries to kill Marc, but he escapes narrowly once again and warns his family.
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    English Embassy, Rome

    Marc manages to get inside the English embassy, thinking that he could find the mole inside MI6 with help from Farrier, who helped him escape in London. He gets inside a room with Farrier while the whole embassy is looking for him. He tries to find the mole by using the hard drive to see who sent information to Novakovich, though the mole had deleted everything. Marc only manages to find a picture of the orphanage in Turkey. Marc meets Lucy for the first time, when she helps him to escape.
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    Tarus Mountains, Turkey

    Marc and Lucy, with the support from Rubicon Group, travel to the orphanage that Marc managed to find in the MI6 servers, when he accessed in the British embassy. After making som disturbing discoveries, a military drone shows up and tries to bomb them. With the use of a weapon intended for humans, Marc manage's to disable the drone. The picture that Marc found in the MI6 had been planted there by the mole to lure Marc to the location so they could take him out once and for all.
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    Santa Cruz, The Port of New Jersey

    Halil wakes up with a extreme pain in his stomach. The other youths have the same stitches across the stomach too and all of them are in severe agony. Halil realises what is going to happen and what is in their stomach; a bomb. They are handed clothes, a card saying they are from a school for the deaf and mute. Then they are led into a buss and leave for the harbour.
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    Santa Cruz, The Port of New Jersey

    Based on what Marc and Lucy now know, they decide to travel to the port to find the ship Santa Cruz. Here they learn what the terrorists and the Combine are planning, putting powerful explosives from rockets inside the youths from the orphanage. They also manage to interrogate one of the mercenaries that tried to kill Marc in Italy. He tells them where the buss with the youths are heading and the buss' license plate number so they can identify it. The race is now on.
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    One hour away from Baltimore

    Halil and the rest of the youths are looked after by Khadir and one of the mercenaries from the Combine. When they stop at a gass station Halil utilises the opportunity and tries to escape. The presens of other people force Khadir to send the mercenary after him. Halil is found, drugged down and left behind there to explode. However Mark and Lucy come across him because he woke up and cried for help, creating a scene, on their way to catch the others. They disarm the bomb and save Halil.
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    Pershing Park, Washington DC

    After saving Halil, the time left to prevent the main attack with the other youths is minimal. Their target is Pershing Park where the American President will speak about a college reform and higher education. Student groups from all over the country are invited, which is the reason the terrorists use youths as suicide bombers. Upon arriving to Washington, Lucy and Marc stand over the challenge on how to stop this evil attack, which will throw the world into chaos.
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    Pershing Park, Washington DC

    Lucy is arrested, for something she had done while serving in the Military. Now it is all up to Marc. With little time left Marc knows that finding the youths does not help. The bombs will be detonated by bluetooth signal. He must shut down the local security network to disarm the bombs. He manages to sneak inside where the vehicle transmitting the security network. However he is discovered by the police. With the police chasing him, Marc shuts down the network and disarms the bombs.