
  • i amost died

    I was not breathing when I was born so someone taught me to breath
  • i are am birphed

    i am finaly 1 second old
  • i go to preschool

    i went to preschool
  • i moved

    i moved to here
  • i got my head gashed open

    i was dragged acrost three squares of side walk by a 100 pound dog
  • i made a friend

    i made a nice friend named max then there was his brother Dane. Dane sucks i have to deal with him to this day
  • we had a horrible 4th grade teacher

    he let us do anything
  • fith grade

    it was fifth grade
  • my first day of middle school

    worse than i expected
  • jesus is my teacher

  • 7th grade

    its even worse than 6th