Noam chomsky

Noam Chomsky

By Markw01
  • Chomsky's attempt to solve Plato's Problem

    Chomsky's attempt to solve Plato's Problem
    Children have been observed to learn things very quickly, without instruction, Plato's problem was to explain how its possible for an uneducated child a geometrical problem and have him solve it. Where Chomsky comes in to play is that he was interested in children learning a new language and the cognitive science behind that. He developed the standard theory which says that children are better at learning grammar than adults
  • Expanding on Plato's Problem

    Expanding on Plato's Problem
    In 1981 Chomsky had published the Lectures on Government and Binding, which further expanded on his research from the 70's and he came up with what specifically helped children to learn language quickly and how they create the neural pathways. This was "that phrase structure must consist of a head, such as a noun or a verb, and a complement, which can be a phrase of any form."
  • Chomsky in Politics and Journalism

    Chomsky in Politics and Journalism
    His whole life he has theorized so much about politics but in 1997 he published "The Responsibility of Intellectuals” which was about how journalists and people in power have a responsibility to report truthfully to an audience that can do something about it. I think that this ties in to current news especially close to the election
  • Broad and Narrow Language

    Broad and Narrow Language
    Chomsky theorized that there are two types of language. He said that it is the narrow sense that distinguishes humans from other animals. He also theorized that there may be restrictions to language design and compared it to the way bees build their hives in hexagonal formations but only because it is physically the strongest shape for what they need, not because it is a specific gene telling them to do so.