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Noam Chomsky December 7, 1928- present

  • Birth

    Noam Chomsky was born Avram Noam Chomsky in Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, US , December 7th of 1928
  • Married

    In 1949 Noam Chomsky married Carrol Dorris Schatz
  • Transformational Grammar

    Transformational Grammar
    Chomsky develops his theory of “ Transformational Grammar” earning him his doctorate
  • Universal Grammar

    Universal Grammar
    In the 1960s Chomsky put forth the earliest of his series of theories of Universal Grammar, the concept that humans ability to understand language is a biological phenomenon rather than a the culmination of a lifetime of conditioned responses to outside stimulus. Essentially his theories state that in the absence of training an individual will possess the ability to solve or understand what is presented to them given prompting.
  • Responsibility Of Intellectuals

    Responsibility Of Intellectuals
    Chomsky writes his essay “Responsibility Of Intellectuals” condemning the United States involvement in Vietnam as “American imperialism”. This act brought him nation wide attention as well as direct attention from president Richard Nixon and ultimately resulting in multiple arrests for political activism.
  • Widower

    Chomsky’s first wife Carol Dorris Chomsky dies of cancer aged 78 at their home in Lexington, Massachusetts.
  • Remarried

    Chomsky marries his current wife Valeria Wassermann