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Noam Chomsky

  • December 7, 1928 Noam Chomsky is born

    December 7, 1928 Noam Chomsky is born
    Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania his parents were William and Elsie Chomsky. Mcgilvray, James A. “Politics of Noam Chomsky.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2 May 2023,
  • Academic Background (1940-1955)

    Academic Background (1940-1955)
    Chomsky conducted his undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania completing his undergraduate degree in modern language and linguistics. Moved on to graduate school attending Harvard University and completing his doctoral program through his dissertation on "Transformational Analysis" Education Completed Mcgilvray, James A. “Politics of Noam Chomsky.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2 May 2023,
  • MIT Appointment 1955 - 1957

    MIT Appointment 1955 - 1957
    Chomsky was appointed to MIT in 1955 not long after his graduate education completion. He started a career in academia and became a prominent figure in the realm of linguistics. He would often take students and researchers alike to study under him in the field of linguistics. Mcgilvray, James A. “Politics of Noam Chomsky.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2 May 2023,
  • Work on Transformational Grammer

    Work on Transformational Grammer
    The novel Syntactic Structures was written in the year 1957. The novel emphasized language use and served as a theory on human cognitive structure. Chomsky's theory of cognitive structure challenged the pre-existing behaviorist view of language. According to Chomsky the problem with behaviorist language was it did not account for rapid creative and language development when observed in children. Chomsky, Noam. Syntactic Structures. Martino Publishing, 2015.
  • Political activisim

    Political activisim
    Chomsky had engaged in political activism. His main focus was within foreign policy specifically during the Vietnam War. He wrote the book Manufacturing Consent with his co-author by the name of Edward S. Herman. Chomsky's novel centered around the propaganda system and how mass media dictated public opinion. Herman, Edward S. Manufacturing Consent : the Political Economy of the Mass Media. New York :Pantheon Books, 1988.
  • MIT Professorship

    MIT Professorship
    Chomsky was appointed to the Ferrari. Ward Professor of Modern Language and Linguistics at MIT. This not only raised his influence in his field but his reputation as well. He continued to collaborate and research with other scholars within the field. Barsky, Robert F. (1997). Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-02418-1.
  • MIT Emeritus

    Chomsky Keeps the title of Institute Professor Emeritus. Despite retiring in the year 2002 He was able to retain his prestigious title from the organization. This highlights his contribution to the realm of linguistics. Weidenfeld, Lisa (August 29, 2017). "Noam Chomsky Is Leaving MIT for the University of Arizona". Boston Magazine. Archived from the original on August 17, 2021. Retrieved June 10, 2019. "Chomsky has been at MIT since 1955, and retired in 2002."