Nixon's policies - Vietnamisation

  • Further 47,000 US troops withdraw

  • Withdrawal begins w/543,000 US troops leave

  • Secret meetings w/ Hanoi FAIL

    Nixon hoped to ^ relations with/ China USSR so they pressure Hanoi during negotiations
  • Operation Menu

    A bombing offensive in Cambodia
    HOS Prince Norodom Sihanouk made agreements with/ Chinese to allow VC to establish bases in cambodia
  • ARVN numbers rise

    1 million by 1970
  • Domestic opposition ^

    Kent STATE uni protests where 4 students passed away
    = US senate revoke GOTR
  • Extension into Loas Op. Lam Son 719 ( feb 8 to march)

    30,000 strong ARVN invasion of Laos + air support
    = strong resistance and so forces withdraw
    + Thieu had ordered retreat if 3000+ casualties were reached
  • Northern Spring Offensive

    ARVN demonstrate capability to successfully oppose NV BUT inflict 5x more casualties w/ US bomb raids
  • Beijing visit

  • Further 156,000 US troops leave

    ^ popularity domestically
  • Nixon's leniency

    Offered to set a date for US withdrawal in return for Hanoi not supplying the South and a ceasefire, Hanoi refuses until 1972 due to:
    -allied pressure
    -US bombing
    -torturous interrogation tactics under US operation Phoenix
  • SALT I

    Signed w/ USSR
  • Madman theory

    Nixon's reps' ploy to convince Hanoi that Nixon was unpredictable and hated comm = likely to deploy nuclear weapons eventually
  • Extension into Cambodia develops

    Phnom Penh encircled by Communists and pro-US leader Lon Nol required US assistance
    Nixon fears Comm. takeover in Cambodia since Khmer Rouge its Viet allies advance to Phnom Penh ( to overthrow Nol)
    Cambodia's neutrality was established. in Geneva Accords 1945 w/ NV as a co-signitory but NV doesn't seem to honour it by establishing bases in Cambodia