Nike's Life

By Nike24
  • have a Second job

    have a Second job
    getting a second job at zabys hopefully
  • Pass all my classes in school

    Pass all my classes in school
  • Graduation from Concord High School

    Graduation from Concord High School
  • move into my dorm room

  • College Begin

    College Begin
    Finally begin my first day of being a freshmen in college.
  • College Graduation

    I want to graduate in either engineering and or business
  • Shoes...

    have over 100 pairs of shoes. have a huge shoe collection.
  • have a slight business/ store

    i choose this bc i plan on to own my own business.
  • get married

    get married
    hopefully get find the love of my life and get married.
  • Son? Daughter?

    Son? Daughter?
    Plan to have my first child.
  • Business blows up

    Business blows up
    after a couple years my business gets more noticed and get more loyal customers and blows up
  • buy and own a house

    I plan own and have a nice house with my wife and a pet dogs on the coast near a beach.
  • Trust Fund...

    Trust Fund...
    Began a trust fund for my kid or kids and let it build higher and higher.
  • Coming up...

    Will open up another business in another area and expand and go global.
  • first day of pre-school

    my child will start school and will be in the best of the best.
  • construstion

    build my first tree house for my child....
  • Sports?

    Teach my child to play basketball and always be there for him or her.
  • Health Care

    Health Care
    have the best health care not only for my self but my family also.
  • Planning begins

    Began to plan my retirerment, 401K, funeral situations so it will be easier for my family, and write my will.
  • Retirerment

    being home and retirered and keeping up with my businesses.