
Nikaela's Australian Colonisation Timeline

By Nluz1
  • 1760-1830 Industrial Revolution

    1760-1830 Industrial Revolution
    In the Industrial Revolution they discovered machines. They weren't as fortunate until they discovered machines and the things to make the machines, the bad thing is that made the air polluted of smoke.
  • Jails got too full

    Jails got too full
    In Britian the Jail was getting too full that they needed to get more land and space to put them.
  • Captian Arthur Philip arrived at NSW

    Captian Arthur Philip arrived at NSW
    When Captain arrived at NSW the Aboriginals weren't happy. The Britans decided to have war so that they can have the land. The Aboriginals lost because they had only wooden weapons and the Britians had medal things, so more Aboriginals died.
  • The first fleet

    The first fleet
    The first fleet first arrived at Botany Bay to settle in but they thought it wasn't good to settle in because it didn't have fresh water, so they decided to go to Sydney Cove. There was 11 ships that included more then 1480 men, women and children onboard.
  • Captain Arthur Philip

    Captain Arthur Philip
    Captain Arthur Philip was looking for a land to put the convicts cause there was a lot of them
  • The border of NSW got moved west with Western Australia

    The border of NSW got moved west with Western Australia
    NSW thought they needed more space and moved the border making WA with hardly any room and NSW being selfish. NSW wanted to have more space for the jails and made WA with very small amount of space.
  • Tasmania became a seperate colony from NSW

    Tasmania became a seperate colony from NSW
    Tasmania (Van Demains land) which was a part of NSW and became a seperate colony of its own right.
  • The swan river colony

    The swan river colony
    The swan river colony was planned to be a colony of free settlers.
  • The swan river colony

    The swan river colony
    The swan river colony was planned to be a colony of free settlers.
  • Discovery of gold

    Discovery of gold
    The gold was discovered by James W. Marshall on January 24 1848. He saw something shiny and had a look at it. He oversaw it while the construction of a sawmill on the American River.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    The gold was discovered in Bathrust. The gold rushes occurred ever since 1851. During the gold rushes a number of workers went to areas where the gold was discovered.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The Civil War was 1861-1865 created by the Britians because they needed more space and they wanted to put the company convicts in America.
  • The colonial borders had been seperated to the 6 different colonies

    The colonial borders had been seperated to the 6 different colonies
    The colonial borders got separated to the different colonies and decided not to change it anymore, but they did and added the Northen Territory at the top.