
  • Period: to


  • Jewish leaders arrested

    Jewish leaders arrested
    On this date the Jewish leaders of sighet are arrested. the Jews are prohibited from leaving their houses.Valubles are conifscated.This is important as it marks the first step towards the concentration camp.
  • Yellow star decree

    Yellow star decree
    The yellow star is the most infamous of all those made against jews during the holocaust. In the book it is one of the ways the local jews are singled out The signifigance is that this is the day the decree was declared in Sighet .
  • Mrs schater goes insane

    Mrs schater goes insane
    Mrs shacter, a woman who wiesel has known for time, goes insane in the car. she claims to ses a fire burning in the distance. The signifigance of her cries is that she predicts the creamatorium waiting for the jews at the camp.
  • Weisel arrives at the concetration camp

    Weisel arrives at the concetration camp
    Around 12 am the people in Weisel are pushe out of the cattle car. They are advised by inmates what to say for the best chance of survival. the importance of this event is that Weisel's morther and little sister are gassed ending their involvement in the story.
  • Weisel is transsferred to auschwitz

    Weisel is transsferred to auschwitz
    wiesel is made to run from birkenau to auschwitz with other inmates. They are immediatly placed in barracks. the importartance is that they arrive and manage to leave the infamous camp where many were killed
  • Weisel recives his number

    Weisel recives his number
    Weisel has the number A-7713 tattooed on his arm. he is called by that number from then on. This is important as it shows how the germans strip him of his humanity seeing him existing only as a number.
  • Weisel arrives in Buna

     Weisel arrives in Buna
    Weisel and a hundred or so inmates are marched to Buna to find work. Weisel is put into new barrack. The camp is important as it will be the place where weisel works for most of the story and many of his fellow inmates are worked to death.
  • Idek beats Weisel

    Idek beats Weisel
    Weisel is beaten by the Kapo idek. Idek orders a crate, lies weisel on it, and beats him for seeing him with a girl in the warehouse
  • the Pipel is hanged

    the Pipel is hanged
    A young boy or pipel is accused of helping a sabotage . later thousands of inamates are called to watch him hang. it is important as it showed no age was immune to the creul treatment
  • the front draws nearer

    the front draws nearer
    As weisel heals from his operation, the russian forces draw ever closer to Buna. Soon, the prisoners can hear the cannons of the warfront from the camp. This event is important as it shows how close they are to freedom but it aslo means the gremans will transport them to a new camp.
  • the camp is evacutated

     the camp is evacutated
    As the front draws within hours of the campthe officers order the camp be evacuated. The block is cleaned and all of the prisoners march out into the cold. The event is important as many will die as the inmates trek through the freezing cold.
  • weisel arrives in geislwitz

    weisel arrives in geislwitz
    Weisel in his father after traveling miles on foot are put into the camp of geislwitz. they are starving and are given no food or water. this place is important as it is where weisels fatehr is picked in a crude selection but weisels manages to save his father. he odes do by runnning to the line of those who failed and smuggling his father to the lint of those who passed.
  • Jews transported to concentration camps

    The jewish people are deported to concentration camps. they are packed into cattle cars with little air 80 to a car. THis event marks the beginning of wiesel's struggles and the end of the road for many on board.
  • weisel is operated on

    weisel is operated on
    weisels foot begins to sweel and ache. thankfully, the foot is saved and the operation sucessful . the event shows weisels great luck and shows he might have the health to make it from the camp alive.
  • Weisel is put on a train to a new camp

    Weisel is put on a train to a new camp
    the jews are loaded into the cars one hundred in each one. they then ride in the roofless cars while it is snowing for several hours. this event is importrant as it is when the strongest of the inmates Meir katz dies
  • the fight over bread begins

    the fight over bread begins
    as the train of in mates enters a town a worker throws bread into the car. the ensuing stampede causes people to start throwing bread into the car. The importance is shown when a child kilss his own father for bread and is then killed himself for the bread. The mirder shows the desperation among the inmates.
  • weisel arrives in buchenwald

    weisel arrives in buchenwald
    Weisel and his father get off the train at the camp of buchenwald.
    the are directed to their first shower in days. the camp is important as it is the last camp weisel is held in.
  • Weisels father contracts dystentery

    Weisels father contracts dystentery
    weisels father contracts the ilness dystentery. he is put with the other ill prisoners, unable to move with out pain. the event is important as it shows weisels father near death and weisel's father knowing so tells him where the family valubles are hidden.
  • weisel's father dies

    weisel's father dies
    Sufffering from dystentery weisel's father cries for water annoying a guard. The guard then proceeds to beat weisel's father who later dies. This is important because it shows the unability for Weisel to protect his father a duty which he promised to himself he would carry out.
  • Weisel is liberated.

    Weisel is liberated.
    Beforehe entire camp is liquidated the front reaches the camp.A small battle ensuses which the resistance wins.The event is important as it marks the end of Weisel's time as a prisoner.