• Ellie is born.

    Ellie Wiesel is born in Sighet, Romania.
  • Hitler rises to power, Dachau Camp opens

    Hitler is elected chancellor of Germany. The death camp,Dachau, opens,
  • Buchenwald opens

    Buchenwald, a death camp, opens.
  • World War ll starts

    Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Germany captures Norway and Denmark. Auschwitz camp opens.

    Germany captures Denmark and Norway. The death camp, Aucshwitz, opens
  • Auschwitz and Dachau start using the crematoria

    Auschwitz and Dachau start using crematorias
  • Wiesel family arrives in Birkenall

    Wiesel family arrives in Birkenall, Poland
  • Ellie and his father are moved to Auschwitz

    Ellie and his father are transported to Auschwitz.
  • Russian forces liberate Auschwitz

    Russian forces liberate Auschwitz.
  • American troops free inmates at Dachau and Buchenwald

    American troops free inmates at Dachau and Buchenwald.
  • World War ll ends

    World War II ends.
  • Ellie entered the Sorbonne to study philosophy

    Ellie enters Sorbonne to study philosophy.
  • Ellie is encouraged to write about his life in the concentration camps

    Ellie is encouraged to write about his life in the concentration camps.
  • Ellie moves to the U.S.

    Ellie moves to the united states
  • Ellie publishes the Night in English

    Ellie publishes the English version of NIGHT
  • Ellie receives the Nobel Peace Prize

    Ellie receives Nobel Peace Prize