Niels Henrik David Bohr 7 Oct 1885- 18 Nov 1962

  • Rutherford Model-1911

    Rutherford Model-1911
    Ernest Rutherford was a great physicist and Nobel peace prize winner who created a physical description of the atom. Though his work was a great breakthrough, it was incomplete. His work laid the foundation for Niels Bohr to come to his infamous discoveries of atomic structure and quantum theory.
  • Rutherford Bohr Model- 1913

    Rutherford Bohr Model- 1913
    In 1913, Niels Bohr added his quantum physical interpretation to the already existing Rutherford model (1911) of the atom. The problem with Rutherfords atoms, was that it did not allow for the electrons surrounding a nucleus to have enough energy to remain in orbit, thus un-stabilizing the atom. In response, Niels Bohr proposed the idea of electrons orbiting the nucleus in levels.
  • Quantum Theory-1913

    Quantum Theory-1913
    Bohrs finding for the hydrogen atom was based on quantum theory, that the electrons transfer energy within predefined levels and quantities. He was also able to define the number of electrons that can be found within the energy levels, and the maximum capacities for the first and last levels. Because of this, we have been able to determine the properties of elements, based on the outer level electrons.
  • The Spectra- 1913

    The Spectra- 1913
    Bohrs discovery lent to the explanation of spectra, by creating an understanding of the receipt or release capabilities of energy in the atom. If energy was received it would move to a higher level, and if it was released it would move to a lower level. This discovery helped Bohr to accurately pinpoint the numbers on the spectra, which at the time was only being speculated! This video explains in more detail:
  • Great Works- Niels Bohr

    Bohr, Niels. On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra. Denmark: A. F. Høst, 1918-22, 1922.
    Bohr, Niels. The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution; Three Essays, by Niels Bohr. England: University Press, 1922, 1922.
    Bohr, Niels. Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature : Four Essays, with an Introductory Survey. 1 Feb. 1935: 387–387.
    Bohr, Niels. Open Letter to the United Nations. 09Jul1950.
    Bohr, Neils. The Unity of Knowledge. 1958/1962