
Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962) Philosophy of Science

By nefty14
  • Bohr;s Model, Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)

    Bohr;s Model,   Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)
    Bohrs Model 1913
    in 1913 Bohr proposed a model on the atomic structure and proposed different energy levels that the orbiting electrons are in. Bohrs model led to major technological advances, lasers for example. Bohr and his team came to find that electrons act as a wave and as a particle which is also known as wave-particle duality. Not too long after Bohr started a new branch of Physics called quantum physics. (
  • The Copenhagen interpretation, Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)

    The Copenhagen interpretation,    Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)
    The Copenhagen interpretation (1920)
    Niels Bohr posed a theory that a Quantum particle exists in every possible state not just one state at a time. he proposed that we are observers and it is only when we look at a quantum particle that it chooses what state it stays in. essentially we collapse the wave function and force the particle to enter a single state which can be different every time based on probability. many philosophical questions arose from this interpretation as well.
  • Complimentary Principle, Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962) X

    Complimentary Principle,   Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962) X
    Complimentary Model (1927)
    After the Bohrs Atomic model in 1913, and the behavior of the electron, Bohr came up with the Principle of complimentary. This model expresses how on the atomic level the electron can act as a wave or particle at any given moment depending on the equipment or measurements taken. also associated with the Wave-Particle duality. this led to quantum theories and the expansion of quantum physics itself. this type of science also created philosophical questions as well.
  • Liquid drop Model Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)

    Liquid drop Model Niels Bohr (7 Oct 1885 – 18 Nov 1962)
    Liquid drop model (1939)
    George Gamow formulated the model in 1929, Bohr and American physicist John Archibald Wheeler used it in 1939 to explain nuclear fission. The liquid drop model has many similarities to nuclear fission, for example, the splitting of a drop is like that of the nuclei splitting and the evaporation of a drop is somewhat like the radioactive properties of the nucleus. there are many resemblances that make this model highly effective and groundbreaking for nuclear physics.