Niels Bohr 1885-1962, Danish Physicist

  • new atomic model

    new atomic model
    The Bohr atomic model was able to account for an ever-increasing number of experimental data, famously starting with the spectral line series emitted by hydrogen. (Finn Aaserud, 2022,
  • Period: to

    A quick view of Niels Bohr’s works

    Please use this link to watch a short discussion.
  • Periodic Table

    Periodic Table
    He improved upon that aspect of his work into the early 1920s, by which time he had developed an elaborate scheme building up the periodic table by adding electrons one after another to the atom according to his atomic model. For this he was award the Nobel Prize in 1922. (Finn Aaserud, 2022,
  • Expanded the study of Physics

    Expanded the study of Physics
    As a professorship at the University of Copenhagen in 1917 Bohr wrote a long letter to his faculty asking for the establishment of an Institute for Theoretical Physics. On March 3, 1921, he said that experiments and experimenters were indispensable at an institute for theoretical physics to test the statements of the theorists. Second, institute is where the younger generation could propose fresh ideas. (Finn Aaserud, 2022,
  • Joint venture

    Joint venture
    His supports at Rockefeller Foundation built a cyclotron that benefited by physics and biology.
  • Fission

    He and his colleagues were able to explain fission in theory. (Finn Aaserud, 2022,
  • Splitting Atoms

    Splitting Atoms
    Shortly after discovering fission and realized the possibility in the creation of a device that could split atoms. In short, the atom bomb was now possible.