Period: to
Life to death
Span from Niels Bohr's birth to his death -
Bohr enrolls in an undergraduate program at Copenhagen University, Denmark. -
Bohrs degree
In 1909 Bohr was awarded his masters degree in physics. -
2nd degree
After his masters degree in 1909 bohr decided to go farther and achieve his docrates degree -
Work with other scientists
In 1912 bohr joined Ernest Rutherford at the Victorian University of Manchester where he spent four years and thus became part of the Nuclear family -
Nobel Prize
In 1922 Bohr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding achieve in finding the structure of atoms. -
Fleeing the country
Durinig the nazi occupation of Denmark in WWII Bohr fled to Sweden a neutral country beause he caught word that the German Police where out for arrest. from sweden he went Britian by plane and was breifed on the top secret bomb operation. He was ten transporte to the US -
Manhattan Project
From 1943 on he worked on a top secret operatio called the Manhattan Project which was the American Efforts to build an Atom bomb. later in 1945 the bomb was successfully built and dropped on Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. -
Rest of his life
for the rest of his life Bohr was writing books about his studies. -
In 1962 Bohr died from a stroke