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Niel Armstrong

  • Nei Armstrong Takes His First Flight

    Nei Armstrong Takes His First Flight
    At a young age Neil Armstrong had started to develop a fascination with flying. And on July 26th 1936, his dad took him to go fly in a Ford Tri-Motor.
  • Neil Armstrong gets his pilot's license

    Neil Armstrong gets his pilot's license
    When Niel Armstrong was a kid he was fascinated with aviation and ended up getting his pilot license on his 16th birthday; which was before he was aloud to drive.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    In 1949 Neil Armstrong joined the navy and was was called to duty at Pensacola Naval Air Station where they tought him how to fly military aircraft
  • Niel Armstrong Is Deployed to North Korea

    Niel Armstrong Is Deployed to North Korea
    On June 26 1951 Neil Armstrong was deployed to Korea with the Carrier Air group 5. During his deployment he was shot down over Korean waters.
  • Neil Armstrong Joins Nasa

    Neil Armstrong Joins Nasa
    In 1962 Neil Armstrong Joined the space program and began his career in space exploration
  • Neil Armstrongs 2 year old daughter dies

    Neil Armstrongs 2 year old daughter dies
    Tragedy struck the Armstrong family in January 28th 1962, when their infant daughter; Karen Anne "muffie" died at the young age of just 2. She died of a rare incurable disease with a 60% survival rate called DIPG.
  • Neil Armstrong's first spaceflight

    Neil Armstrong's first spaceflight
    On March 16th 1966 Neil Armstrong ventured into orbit with Gemini VIII. Their mission was to attempt to dock two spacecraft together the first attempt of it kind, something that would prove vital to the later Apollo missions. The mission would prove near fatal as afrer the docking their spacecraft lost control and began spinning uncontrollably. Fortunately control was regained and both Neil, and his partner David.R.Scott made it home safely.
  • Neil Armstrong steps foot on the moon

    Neil Armstrong steps foot on the moon
    On July 21'st 1969, Neil Armstrong made history becoming the first man to step foot on the moon. They landed in the sea of tranquility. Here Neil Armstrong said his famous words "that's one small step for man one giant leap for man kind." Him and his pilot Buzz Aldrin stayed outside of the lunar module collecting samples and executing experiments for around 2 hours before returning to the module
  • Neil Armstrong Gets Presidential medal of freedom.

    Neil Armstrong Gets Presidential medal of freedom.
    After Neil returned from the moon he was awarded the presidential medal of freedom from president Nixon.
  • Neil Armstrong teaches Aerospace engineering

    Neil Armstrong teaches Aerospace engineering
    After his success in space flight and aerospace; Neil decided to share his knowledge, as a professor at the University of Cincinnati Ohio, from 1971-1979.
  • Neil Armstrong Recivees space medal of honor

    Neil Armstrong Recivees space medal of honor
    On October 1st 1978 Niel Armstrong was one of the first to be awarded the new Space Medal of Honor. He was awarded the medal by president Jimmy Carter for his contribution to the nation and the whole of mankind.
  • Neil Armstrong Dies

    Neil Armstrong Dies
    On August 25th 2012 , Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82, He left a legacy of exploration comparable to Columbus, and Lewis and Clark; he has and will inspire generations to come.
  • Neil Armstrong Is born

    Neil Armstrong Is born
    On Tuesday, August 30th, 1930 Neil Armstrong Is born in Wapakoneta Ohio.