Nick Van Lith, Matt Benscoter P.4

By bodely
  • NAACP Challenges the constitutionality of seperate but equal schhols

    Supreme court ruled that every state had to offer equal education oppurtunities
  • Heman Sweatt Applied for school at University of Texas

    This school did not accept black students.Rather than admit sweatt they made a seperate law school for african americans
  • Segregation after WWII

    African American people fight for equal voting
  • Military Segregation

    African american civil rights protesters started picketing outside of the National Democratic Convention fighting against millitary segregation
  • Brown v. Board o Eduction

    Linda Brown, seven years old in Topeka Kansas went to an all white school because it was closer to her house. The school would not allow her to attend so her dad sued the school board.
  • Seperate and not equal

    all schools were required to desegregate all public schools "with all deliberate speed"
  • The Montgomery Boycott

    Rosa Parks would not give her seat up to a white man on the bus and was arrested for her actions E. D. Nixon used her case to try and stop the bus segregation law. all african americans started boycotting busses in Montgomery Alabama
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    He supported the church and the bus boycots he was the leader of them
  • Montgomerys Bus segregation

    The Supreme Court ruled that the bus segregation was illgeal.
  • Little Rock Nine

    The school board decided to start with highschool then slowly work down to the elementary it started at Centreal Highschool
  • Graduation

    In may 1958 ernest green became the first african american to graduate from central high school
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith is the first black student to attend Mississppi