Nick's Chinese Invention Timeline

  • Period: 350 BCE to 1400

    Chinese History

  • 300 BCE

    The Compass

    The Compass
    The Chinese first created the compass by using lodestone(magnetic rock) that would reflect off Earth's magnetic field and point into the North/South direction. The inventors later realized they could use a steel needle instead of rock that would give a more accurate direction. This invention helped sailors get across oceans being pointed in the right direction so they could get to their location without being lost.
  • 200 BCE


    The Chinese created a flexible but sturdy material made from molten iron called steel. Steel was used for weapons, jewelry, and construction where it was sold at low prices. This mineral pioneered the world's weaponry for the future and is still a large part of the Chinese industry today.
  • 50


    The Chinese used many minerals to create a form of rock called Porcelain. This invention was a huge part of Chinese culture for trade, dishes, vases, and even paintings. The Chinese were really fond of this mineral and had many construction areas for it throughout the nation.
  • 150

    Boat Construction

    Boat Construction
    To make sailing safer, the Chinese constructed many different compartments on a vessel to make it less porous. For example, the Chinese builders created to different compartments on a boat with each a caulk( watertight barrier) so when one flooded, the water was contained and didn't spread. Today, this boat technique is still used throughout the different cruisers and vessels.
  • 750

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    After the use of the Hourglass, the Chinese later invented the mechanical clock that had a metal hand that rotated around once every 24 hours. The Chinese used dripping water to turn the hand and every quarter hour, a drum would beat and every hour, a bell would chime to make people aware of the time. Today some watches chime every hour to still alert people that an hour had passed.
  • 850

    Gun Powder

    Gun Powder
    Chinese alchemist accidentally discovered Gun Powder through a substance called saltpeter. They believed that this substance could be used for battle so by the tenth century, the Chinese created the first black powder weapon that was known as the dangerous flamethrower.
  • 850

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    To replace gold coins, the Chinese printed paper money with wood blocks. The Chinese were fond of this invention and later during the Song Dynasty, they created a printer that could create many bills at a time using multiple wood blocks. Today, paper money is the main currency used throughout the world.
  • 1250

    Germ Prevention

    Germ Prevention
    When a person died from an illness, the Chinese burned a chemical that gave off a poisonous smoke believing it would kill the source of the diseases. Later during the Song Dynasty, a Chinese monk discovered that if you steam clothing, it kills parts of a
    disease. Today, most people use dishwashers to heat and kill the germs off the utensil so they are clean for the next customer.
  • 1300


    The Chinese had used gunpowder to make fireworks but then realized rockets could be used to make weapons. They developed a second stage rocket that sent two waves of attack- first, exploding rockets, Second- rockets that dropped down arrows on the enemy. This invention later spread across the whole Eurasia area and was a crucial part of an attack.