Nicaragua Part II

By dzemila
  • Liberal Nationalist Party Formation

    Liberal Nationalist Party Formation
    Somoza Garcia resigned as chief director of the National Guard, making him eligible to run for presidency. This in turn created the Liberal Nationalist Party, formed in support of Garcia. Since Nicaragua's Liberal Nationalist Party was associated with the Somozas, its position was to the right of the Conservative Party. This information was found on Global Security.
  • Garcia's Military Dictatorship

    Garcia's Military Dictatorship
    Somoza Garcia became president and chief director of the military, establishing a military dictatorship for Nicaragua. Garcia gave his family positions in Nicaragua's military and government. His family also controlled the PLN, giving him complete control over every governmental aspect of the country. This information came from the US Library of Congress.
  • Constituent Assembly

    Constituent Assembly
    Somoza Garcia made Nicaragua's Constituent Assembly, giving the president extensive power and an 8-year term. With the Constituent Assembly, Garcia attempted to gain US support and write a new constitution. The assembly appointed Garcia's uncle, Victor Roman Reyes, president. This information came from the US Library of Congress.
  • Debayle and the Bay of Pigs

    Debayle and the Bay of Pigs
    The Debayle government played a big role in the Bay of Pigs. It allowed a Cuban exile brigade to use Caribbean coast military bases to launch a failed maneuver. US mercenaries left from Nicaragua's Puerto Cabezas to launch the Bay of Pigs mission. This information came from Stanford University.
  • FSLN Guerillas

    FSLN Guerillas
    FSLN guerrillas took hostages from a government official home, many of which were Somoza relatives. The guerrillas asked for a one million dollar ransom, making the government worsen censorship and torture throughout the country. The guerrillas succeeded in freeing Sandinista prisoners and flying them to Cuba. This information came from Global Security.