Audiencia of Guatemala declared its independence from Spain
This was the first step in Nicaragua becoming independent. -
Nicaragua's independence officially declared
Zelaya driven from power
After 16 years in power Zelaya was driven from power. The United States marines backed the conservatives -
National Guard formed
In the 1920s many in the United States called for the Marines in Nicaragua to be withdrawn. The decision was that the best way to withdraw the troops was to establish a force in Nicaragua, so the National Guard was formed in Nicaragua. -
United States Marines arrive back to Managua
The Marines descended back into Nicaragua. There was liberal versus conservative fighting continuing, and the U.S. believed it could possibly turn into a civil war, with the leftists winning. -
Hoover withdraws all US troops from Nicaragua
Hoover decided to withdraw all troops in Nicaragua because of growing tension with Germany and Japan prior to WWII. This opened opportunity for Somoza Garcia to swoop and and take the power the the US had held in Nicaragua. -
Somoza Garcia assassiated
Anastasio Somoza Garcia was assassinated by a citizen. This assassination was fueled by the dissatisfaction with his policies. He was succeeded by his son Luis, but he died of a heart attack in 1967. After Luis, his brother, Anastasio Somoza Debayle became dictator, and ruled oppressively.
This source covers a complete history of Nicaragua, but does not go into as much depth as it could. It also has other ways to research. -
Earthquake in Managua
This earthquake was a turning point in the rule of Anastasio Somoza Debayle's rule. The National Guard went to looting after the earthquake. The aid given to Nicaragua also went mostly to the Somoza family instead of helping the country. This event led to even more opposition to the government.