Beginning of Domestic Rivalry in Nicaragua
1750s: A rivalry begins in Nicaragua between the elite agriculturalists of León and Granada, splitting into two separate groups based on their trade policies; the liberal free-traders of León against the conservative protectionists of Granada. This rivalry between liberals and conservatives continues to shape Nicaragua in the next centuries as demagogues of either party lead each side against the current leader.
http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-9209.html -
The Walker Affair
The liberals lose in the power struggle over control of Nicaragua, and they offer to pay anyone in to begin rebelling against the conservatives. American William Walker takes control of Nicaragua and is eventually expelled by the British, Americans, and neighboring countries. This event leads to a dependence on American intervention.
http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/FieldCourses00/PapersCostaRicaArticles/CostaRicain1856.Defeating.html -
Zelaya Reign Ends
Though Liberal José Santos Zelaya's reign was opposed both internationally and domestically, he was still able to maintain control through nationalism and the military. Zelaya’s dictatorship of 16 years only ends because conservatives revolt with the help of the US marines. His absence left Nicaragua’s politics unstable, allowing the US to intervene by maintaining the military in Nicaragua and lending money to Nicaragua.
http://countrystudies.us/nicaragua/9.htm -
Creation of National Guard
The US withdraws marines from Nicaragua throughout the summer months but creates the National Guard in June to maintain order in Nicaragua. Various rebellions occur in Nicaragua once the marines left due to compelling leaders like Vargas, Sacasa, and Moncada.
https://www.britannica.com/place/Nicaragua/Cultural-institutions#ref468220 -
Marines Are Sent Back to Nicaragua
The US sends marines back into Nicaragua, fearing that the tensions between liberals and conservatives would cause another Civil War. The US is able to create a truce, one which the liberal Augusto César Sandino does not abide by. Because Sandino’s guerilla army keeps attacking the National Guard, the US keeps the US marines in Nicaragua. The US backs Díaz as a compromise leader between liberals and conservatives.
https://www.britannica.com/place/Nicaragua/Cultural-institutions#ref468220 -
Final Removal of US Marines and García's Rise to Power
Hoover removes the marines from Nicaragua because of the Great Depression, tensions with Latin America, and the number of marine casualties. This leaves a power vacuum and ruins Nicaragua's economy.
http://countrystudies.us/nicaragua/10.htm -
Sandino's Assassination
Sandino is invited by Somoza García, the Director of the National Guard, to have a peace conference. However, he is killed by high-ranking National Guard members on the orders of Somoza, as Sandino was a great political rival of García's.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Cesar-Augusto-Sandino -
Somoza García Rises to Power
Somoza García uses the US marine’s absence to take control from his uncle President Sacasa through a rigged election. The Nicaraguan President is much too weak politically to retaliate, especially as Somoza already won the support of many National Guard members. https://www.britannica.com/place/Nicaragua/Cultural-institutions#ref468220 -
Somoza García's Assassination
Somoza García is killed shortly after being re-elected by a Nicaraguan who opposed his policies. His older son assumes power.
This event was important as it marked the first transition of power between the Somozas despite there being opposition. -
Formation of the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional
The FSLN is created by university students, spreading to rural areas. This Marxist group will oppose Anastasio Somoza Debayle and the National Guard in the 1970s. However, when Somoza retaliats against their attacks in the mid-1970s, the group splits into three different factions that were eventually united during the two year Civil War.
This major group's founding is the reason why the Somoza dynasty fell. -
Anastasio Somoza Debayle Assumes Power
Somoza García’s younger son assumes the presidency from García's older son, who is in ill health. The younger son, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, lacks the diplomacy and tact of his older brother, allowing an opposition to build in the 1970s. As president, Somoza improves the health and education standards of Nicaragua.
As yet another Somoza takes power, this marks the final transition of power between these family members. -
Managua Earthquake
After Somoza steps down as president, an earthquake destroys Managua. He then decides to return to presidency to rebuild the capital. Then, it is discovered that the Somozas used the majority of the relief donations. This lead to the rapid increase in opposition to the Somozas and Debayle’s gradual loss of power.
This event causes Somoza to come back into power but creates a strong opposition to his presidency. -
Two Year Civil War Ends
Somoza Debayle loses the war to the FSLN, and he and his family flee the country. Debayle blames the end of his presidency on President Carter's withdrawal of support. The FSLN's junta takes control and attempts to revive the country.
This event frees Nicaragua from dictatorship but leads to the Contra War.