Jan 1, 1502
Columbus founded the Americas and he had initially found Nicaragua as he sailed around the Caribbean coast for the fourth time and then he claimed it for Spain. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
Jan 19, 1522
Land Expiditions
The Spanish conquistadors landed in Nicaragua and they tried to get a hold on the indigenous people and create land for themselves. this time period ranges from 1520-22 I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
Guatemalan independence
Guatemala is now making the first step and gaining independence from Spain. Audience declared it. This causes Nicaragua to get nervous and want to call for independence too. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
United provinces of central america
These provinces once freed from Spain were then "kidnapped" by mexico. They are now freed because they held a constitutional rally and forced them to agree and let them go. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
Civil War 1826-29
The countries that are now free are being controlled under a weak federal government and all the provinces are getting antsy and out of control. They start a civil war because of all the disagreement. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
Federation Dissolves
The federation is eventually dissolved and all the provinces become their own countries and work within their own governments rules. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
It is finally declared formally that Nicaragua is independent. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information. -
Election of Somoza Garcia
He was elected president and then immediately went and put all of his family in charge of political and military positions so that he could eliminate any opposition within the government. He also made his friends and party members obtain jobs as well to optimize any battles of political opposition. He created a dictatorship over the presidency as he could sway all of the political members within the legislative and judicial branches. -
Re-amended constitution
Garcia was not finished with his time in power so he told/ persuaded congress to amend the constitution so that he could stay in power for eight more years. He succeeded because his closest advisers and friends were in congress. He used his dictatorship to gain control of the country again. -
Garcia was fatally wounded by a poet, Rigoberto Lopez Perez. He was shot by the nationalist and then died several days later in a hospital. -
Constitution change
Garcia's son, like himself, Deybalye extended his reign over the presidency that his father gave him but amending the constitution as well. He changed his rule so that he had an extra year of power. His term was meant to end in 71 but it ended in 72. -
Fall of the Somoza Era
The assassination of Chamorro, a udel leader, was thought to have been carried out by the president and his nationalist followers. This action caused distrust among the people and was the first action that lead to the downfall of the Somoza family -
Leon and Granada
these were the two largest and most powerful cities and they become elites within this time. They also made Nicaragua a transmithian port. I got this info from the reading as well as this website (http://www.lonelyplanet.com/nicaragua/history). It it typically used for travelers who want to know more about the country they're visiting. It provides useful information.