Period: to
Nicaragua History
Independence from Spain.
All central American countries earned there Independence from Spain. -
Country invaded by the English
The English invaded central America. -
The United States and Great Britain sign the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty without Nicaraguan consent. They are granted access to an inter-oceanic trade route through Nicaraguan territory.
Nicaraguan Liberal forces to crush the Conservative opposition hire William Walker. Walker captures Granada.
Walker assumes the Nicaraguan presidency and seeks U.S. annexation. As president, his first decree is to sanction slavery in Nicaragua.
: Nicaragua protests U.S. intervention and demands reparations for damages incurred in the 1855-armed conflict.
The Liberal Party seizes power and names José Santos Zelaya president of Nicaragua. Lewis Hanke, an U.S. agent, intervenes in support of the Conservative cause.
U.S. war ships take possession of the Fonseca Gulf.
Two U.S. mercenaries are shot with authorization from the Nicaraguan Nationalist government
U.S. troops impose a puppet government in Nicaragua. Liberal President, José Santos Zelaya is forced out of office and Adolfo Díaz is made provisional president.
Nicaraguan president, Emiliano Chamorro signs the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty with the U.S. administration.
In exchange for $3 million, the U.S. acquires the right to build a canal across Nicaraguan territory, lease the Great and Little Corn Islands, and establish a naval base in the Gulf of Fonseca. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty provokes anti-North American sentiment and guerrilla warfare in Nicaragua, and elicits protest from other Central American countries. -
Ruben Dario (b.1867), Nicaraguan poet, died. Dario, one of Nicaragua's best-known poets, is considered the father of the Modernismo movement.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica sign a friendship treaty ending violence at the borders.
President Dwight Eisenhower ordered U.S. naval units into the Caribbean after Guatemala and Nicaragua charged Castro with starting uprisings
Cuban-American invasion army departed Nicaragua
In Nicaragua General Raynoldo Perez Vega, the National Guard Chief, was assassinated.
In Nicaragua the Sandinistas led an insurrection against Gen’l. Somoza.
ABC News correspondent Bill Stewart was shot to death in Managua, Nicaragua, by a member of President Anastasio Somoza's national guard.
A massive nighttime explosion rocked Managua, Nicaragua, and revealed not only a massive weapons cache but also the bunker of an int’l. kidnapping ring that relied on false papers and passports provided by the Sandinistas. Tomas Borge, one of the 9 comman
In Nicaragua 6 soldiers were killed and one injured in an ambush in central Matagalpa province.
In Nicaragua Arnoldo Aleman began a 5-year term as president.