Significant Events

  • Iranian Revolution

    Reza Shah's authoritarian rule was not popular and caused the Iranian Revolution.
  • The Shah fled

    Reza Shah left Iran to go to Egypt following the revolution.
  • Ayatollah Khomeini returned to lead Iran

    After 14 years in exile, Khomeini returned to rule Iran.
  • The Shah was permitted to come to the U.S.

    The Shah had cancer and the U.S. agreed to give him medical care.
  • Iranian students take embassy members hostage

    The students held 60 American embassy members hostage.
  • Iran cancelled U.S. and Soviet treaties

    Iran cancelled treaties with the U.S. and the Soviet Union that allowed them military intervention.
  • Carter put an embargo on trade

    Carter did this in hopes that the hostages would be released.
  • Operation Eagle Claw

    Carter tried to send a military helicopter to rescue the hostages, but the plane crashed.
  • Khomeini made new terms for release

    He said the U.S. had to lift the embargo and give Iran the Shah's money.
  • Both countries signed terms of release

    Iran would release the hostages if the U.S. lifted the embargo and gave the Shah's money back.
  • The hostages were released