
Newsboy Strike of 1899

By Hefley5
  • Long Island City Newsboys

    Long Island City Newsboys
    To the dismay of the orphaned boys, they were being shortaged in cost, when the papers went up in price, never to come back down.
  • Newsies Go On Strike

    Newsies Go On Strike
    The boys were rational upon the start of the shortage, organizing groups to bring it to the attention of the Papers. The men in buisness, refused to back down but so did the Newsies.
  • Newsies Arrested

    Newsies Arrested
    Newsies are arrested outside the world and for dissruptance throughout the day.
  • Hearst Unable To Purchase A Paper

    Hearst Unable To Purchase A Paper
    Hearst, wanting to buy a copy of the New York Journal, found it a bit diffiult, when a band of boys choraled him on strike and seemed to almost attack him.
  • Newsies Make The Headline

    Newsies Make The Headline
    The columnists covered rows of columns on the Newsboys strikes.
  • Pulitzer and Hearst Back Down

    Pulitzer and Hearst Back Down
    Newsies succeed, Pulitzer and Hearst left the papers at the same price, but woudl buy back every unsold newspaper.