Early Settlement of New Zealand
The start of the continuous Polynesian settlement. These people, and subsequent arrivals, were the ancestors of present-day Māori. -
Abel Janszoon Tasman
Dutch explorer, discovers part of the western littoral of New Zealand and names his discovery "Staten Landt". -
James Cook
Makes his first visit to New Zealand. He claims parts of the country in the name of King George III. -
More Travelers Visit
Deep sea whaling, sealing, flax and timber trades commence.
The Māori suffer the first serious introduced epidemic. -
First European women arrive in New Zealand. -
Thomas Holloway King becomes the first pakeha (European) child born in New Zealand. -
Ngapuhi chief Hongi Hika visits England, meets with King George IV, and is able to obtain muskets on the return trip. -
Hongi Hika and Te Morenga commence Musket Wars against southern tribes. -
Dumont d'Urville leads his own expedition and charts large sections of New Zealand's coastline in detail for the first time. Te Rauparaha commences his invasion of the South Island, from Kapiti Coast. -
Around 25 northern Māori chiefs adopt the United Tribes flag, on Busby's initiative.