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New World Revolutionary

  • War Moves to Middle States

    British retreated moving the theater of the war to the middle states
  • British sails into New York harbor

    Gen W. Howe and admiral R. Howe joined forces on station island and sailed into NY Harbour.
  • Battle Ends

    Battle for New York ends
  • Crazy withdrawl

    M graham (a volunteer) described the crazy withdrawal
  • British traveled across river

    British pushed Washingtons army across the Delaware River into P.
  • Continental Army Crosses The River

    Christmas night Washington led 2400 men in small rowboats across the ice chocked Delaware river
  • Working Towards the Battle for Trenton

    (8 o'clock the nest morning) The men had marched nine miles in sleet and snow to Trenton NJ.
  • American Victory

    Americans won again against 1200 British at the battle of Princeton.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The winter at valley forge ended in 1778 but was gruesome and unfair. The British were quartered in Philadelphia in people's home while the continental army was stuck outside in the cold struggling to survive.
  • General Howe plans to seize American Capital

    Gen Howe began his campaign to seize the American Capital at Philadelphia.
  • British Surrender at Saratoga

    British Surrender at Saratoga
    American Troops surround Burgoyne at Saratoga where he surrendered his army to General Gates
  • French Alliance With America

    French and Americans Become Allies
  • F. Von Steuben Volunteers

    Friedrich Von Steuben, a Prussian captain and talented drill master volunteered his services to Washingtons army.
  • British Move South

    British change their strategy to move their operations South.
  • Months Later Comes French Aid

    French Come to the Americans Aid months later at Valley Forge
  • British Expedition Takes Savannah

    British expedition took savannah
  • Period: to

    Marquis de Lafayette joined Washington

    Marquis De Lafayette, a French aristocrat joined Washington and led command in V.A in the last couple months of the war
  • A Royal Governer Commands Georgia

    A royal governer once again runs Georgia
  • Period: to

    Gen H. Clinton and C. Cornwallis Sail S

    General Henry Clinton and Charles Cornwallis sailed S with 8500 men.
  • Period: to

    French and American Alliance was Suggested

    A French army landed in New port , Rhode Island, Marquis de Lafayette suggested American and French alliance. They decide to attack Yorktown
  • British Capture Charles Town

    British captured Charles town South Carolina and marched 5500 soldiers off as prisoners of war.
  • Period: to

    R. Morris Moves Up The Rank Chain

    Congress Appointed a rich Philadelphia Merchant named Robert Morris as superintendent of finance
  • Period: to

    Continental Army Raises Tensions

    Washington ordered his ablest soldier Nathaniel Greene to harass Cornwallis as he retreated
  • Period: to

    British Loss Against D. Morgan

    D. Morgan colonial forces defeated a British regiment under Col. Tarleton
  • Another British Loss

    Washington and Cornwallis army collide. Thinking the continental army would Surrender because they were outnumbered, they were surprised when they fought back hard and forced the British to Surrender
  • Cornwallis Attacks Greene

    Cornwallis attacked Greene at gulford courthouse North Carolina
  • Cry for Help

    Greene wrote a letter to Lafayette asking for help
  • Troops get Paid

    Troops were paid in Specie or Gold Coin
  • Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown

    Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown
  • Witnessing British Surrender

    Col W. Fontaine stood with the French and American armies to witness the British surrender
  • Accepting British Surrender

    Washington, French generals, and their troops assembled to accept the British surrender