Very first football helmet
the first football helmet was made out of leather and a little bit of padding but there is not a of padding and. There is not even a face mask to save you face from. Getting hit in the face with anything and you head is basically done because there is basically no padding. -
good helmets
they are so good now a days -
new helmets
there is new chin straps on the helmets -
they go throw hell
these helmets go throw every day of practice, games, drills and they don't brake at all -
new football helmets
now the football helmets are better now then they were back then to now. now you have a face mask a lot of padding in the helmet. -
new pads
they have new padding in the helmets they. Have jell in side the pad in the helmets -
the football helmets these days
the football helmets are just better all around they are so good now. you can not brake them now because they made it so strong. -
there is a better football helmet then before
now there is a helmet that exurbs all most all the impacted so you don't. Get injured as much. As you us to get injured as much and there is like a little square peace on the helmets for this. -
they are to good
they are incredible football helmets -
they are very conferrable
they are conferrable because they have to make them conferrable for the players because they are in them for 2 1/2 hours or more