New Religious Movements - Arya Samaj

  • Establishment of First Vedic School

    Dayanand established the first Vedic school at Farrukhabad. Fifty students were enrolled in its first year.
  • Establishment of Other Vedic Schools

    The success of the first Vedic school led to the founding of other Vedic schools in Mirzapur, Kasganj, Chhalesar, and Varansasi.
  • Proposing the Idea of Arya Samaj in Bombay

    Dayanand arrived in Bombay. People there recognized Dayanand's desire to uplift the Hindu community and protect Hindus from the pressures to convert to Christianity or Islam. He attracted 60 people to his cause, causing him to propose the idea of finding a new samaj with his ideas as its spiritual and intellectual basis.
  • Rajkot Group Joining Dayanand's Cause

    Dayanand went to Rajkot, Gujarat. The Rajkot group decided to join his cause. The Samaj was renamed Arya Samaj. Also, Dayanand published a list of 28 rules and regulations for the followers.
  • Satyarth Prakash Was Published

    Dayanand got his lectures about the Vedic philosophy and on a wide range of subjects published in Varanasi. The book is called Satyarth Prakash.
  • Bombay Arya Samaj was Established

    Bombay Arya Samaj was established. Dayanand enrolled as a member rather than the leader of this group. The Samaj started to grow.
  • Assassination of Dayanand

    Dayanand was assassinated. Pandi Lekh Ram and Swami Shraddhanand were elected as new leaders.
  • Dispute over Vegetarianism

    The Arya Samaj members were divided on the question of vegetarianism. The group that did not eat meat were called Mahatma group, while the others were called Cultured Party.
  • Campaigns

    The Arya Samaj campaigned against caste discriminations, widow remarriage, and women's education, causing followers to be gained or lost.
  • Losing Followers

    The Arya Samaj started losing support when Gandhi returned to India.
  • Reconverting People

    Many Hindus were forced to convert to Islam. The Arya Samaj extended its efforts to reconvert these people back to Hinduism through Shuddhi ceremonies.
  • Creating a New Pride

    The Hindu community of Sindh had been challenged by Christian missionaries in the region. The Arya Samaj created a new pride among the Hindu Sindhis by opening Sanskrit pathshalas.
  • Increasing the Gulf Between the Hindus and Muslim Populations

    The Arya Samaj teamed up with the Hindu Mahasabha to resist the Nizam government. The Nizam government raided Arya Samaj temples. The Samaj criticized Islam and Islamic rulers.
  • Period: to

    Arya Samaj Around the World

    The Samaj kept spreading all over the world. It is active in countries including Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad, Tobago, Fiji, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Mauritus, and others. Immigrants have also set up Arya Samaj temples in their countries, such as America, Canada, Caribbean etc.