New Religious Movements

  • Pre-foundation

    Amy Carlson meets Robert Salsgaver online and is convinced she is a divine being. Around this time, Carlson developed an interest in New Age philosophy and was inspired to start her own.
  • Founding of the Galactic Federation of Light

    Amy Carlson abandons society to join up with online friend Robert Saltsgaver in Colorado. Together they created the New Age religion, the Galactic Federation of Light.
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    The Galactic Federation of Light begins to recruit members. It is unclear how many members joined, but at the time of Carlson’s death there were between 12 to 20 full-time members. There have also been ex-members who report acts of abuse from the leaders.
  • YouTube Videos

    The duo begin uploading videos to YouTube.
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    The Golden Age (pt. 2)

    There were several “Father Gods” in this group, most of them, if not all being romantic partners with Carlson. The last Father God was Jason Castillo, who later went on to found the group Joy Rains.
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    The Golden Age

    While there aren’t specific dates for the events about to be listed, it is still important to note everything. As the group developed, Carlson also developed her leader persona. She allegedly states that she was a 19 billion year old divine being and was referred to as “Mother God”. Members were convinced that she was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, along with other important historical figures. Members also believed she was the child of Donald Trump.
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    The Golden Age (pt. 3)

    The group’s leaders allegedly abused their members. Former members recalled they were only able to sleep 4 to 5 hours per night, leaders neglecting children, borderline strangling a cat as well as other acts of animal abuse, and yelling at members for petty things. Co-leader Castillo was also seen on video telling off members and claiming they are “insane”.
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    The Golden Age (pt. 4)

    At some point between the late 2010s and the early 2020s, the group left its home base in Colorado for Hawaii in order to help Carlson with her ailments, including cancer. Hawaii residents protested the group’s arrival and eventually Love Has Won left the island to go back to Colorado.
  • The Death of Carlson

    In April of 2021, Carlson’s mummified body was found in the mission house. The body was found inside a sleeping bag wrapped with Christmas lights and her face covered in glitter, with authorities suspecting this might be a shrine. The seven members living in the house with the corpse had been charged with abuse of a corpse as well as child abuse; there were two children also living on the property. Following this, the remaining members of the group splintered off.
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    After the death of Carlson, a new group by the name of Joy Rains was formed by co-leader Jason Castillo. There have also been several police investigations of the group after Carlson’s passing.