New Religious Movements

By emusa
  • Community Unity Church Founded

    After being barred from integrating African Americans at his previous church, Jim Jones founds the Community Unity Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • Peoples Temple Established

    Jim Jones buys his first church building, naming it the Peoples Temple Full Gospel Church. Jones and its members faked healings in order to attract people.
  • Healing Convention Hosted

    Jones organizes a healing convention, drawing in crowds and leading attendees to believe that he possessed a supernatural gift. Following this, he renamed his church the "Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel."
  • Relocation to California

    Following financial struggles, Jones and about 140 of his followers moved to a new location in Redwood Valley, California.
  • Services Expanded

    The Temple began offering services in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The Temple established a formal hierarchy, with its staff being at the top.
  • Peoples Temple Agricultural Project Started

    The Peoples Temple rents land in Guyana, beginning a community informally named "Jonestown"
  • Temple Bankrupt

    The Temple declared bankruptcy, and its assets went into receivership.
  • Attacks at Jonestown

    Congressman Leo Ryan went to Jonestown to investigate claims of abuse, where many expressed to him their desire to leave. They accompanied Congressman Ryan, but Temple security guards began to open fire on the group, killing Ryan, three journalists, and one of the defectors. In the evening, Jim Jones forced the congregation to drink Flavor Aid laced with cyanide, which killed 918 people in total
  • Peoples Temple Dissolved

    Attorney Charles Garry petitioned to dissolve the Temple, which was granted in San Francisco Superior Court.