New Nation (chapter 5)

  • Pennsylvania’s Constitution

    Pennsylvania’s Constitution
    The Continental Congress told the states that they had to write a constitution of their own. Pennsylvania was one of the first to write theirs.
  • The Paris Treaty

    The Paris Treaty
    The states wanted to rove their freedom from the British. They mde a treaty with Paris to prove that
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia PA. to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of the confederation.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    Fries was mad they there were taxes on land, houses, and slaves. When the government wouldn’t take them away he started the rebellion.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The Government started taxing people for whiskey. People started to rebel and attack tax collectors
  • Political Parties are Established

    Political Parties are Established
    The two political parties were developed. The Parties are the federalists and the Democratic-republics
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war between the US and Britain was over but British ships still harassed US ships. PA help fight in three fronts.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie is the more important of the two battles in PA. After winning this battle it gave the American the boost they needed after losing so many battles against the British.
  • The Treaty of Gent

    The Treaty of Gent
    The Treaty of Gent ended the war with the British. This ended the last war between the US and its former mother country.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
    The News of the peace treaty traveled slowly. The British attacked New Orleans without knowing about the treaty.